From Academica Group Top Ten (March 1/17):
“In light of the current hiring season, Paula Krebs reflects on trends she has seen in today’s faculty candidates and on what she would like to see more of. Among the five trends outlined in the article is an increased awareness among candidates of the postsecondary institution’s identity, and more realistic expectations about working conditions. The article also points out that these applicants tend to have higher levels of experience in lab or clinical settings, online environments, and in the community. On a wish list for future candidates, the author notes that she would like to see qualities such as more experience working with undergraduates, a better understanding of the students the institution serves, and a few lofty expectations to indicate ambition.” More at this posting on Chronicle Vitae.
photo credit: Hervé Platteaux Marble rosette of the floor – Academia – Venise via photopin (license)