Conference topic: Problematizing Religious Diversity in a Secular Age
Dates: September 14-16, 2017
Location: McGill University, Montreal
Submission Deadline: July 15, 2017
Participants are encouraged to submit papers that reflect on the following questions and themes: How does the problematization of religious diversity affect particular religious communities? How are secular discourses shaped by their context, cultures, histories, and/or language? How have religious communities responded to and adapted to the political management of religion, from ancient times to the present? How is religious diversity approached in non-secular contexts? Is secularization Westernization? How can academics contribute to the political/public discourses on secularism? Who is left out of these discourses and why? What is the role of the media in this debate and how is it involved in the construction of categories of “good” and “bad” religion? How does the representation of “secularism” as “the solution” affect visible/non-visible religious persons/communities? How are society’s values represented, constructed and shaped by the debates over religion and secularism? Is the focus on secularism/laïcité making us blind to other possibilities?
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