From Academica Group’s Today’s Top Ten in Higher Ed, October 19, 2018:
“Improving your résumé for an alt-ac position
Rather than converting an academic CV into a résumé, Jennifer Polk and L Maren Wood advise PhDs embarking on the nonfaculty job search to write their résumé from scratch to appeal to hiring managers. Polk and Wood explain the different functions, strengths, and failures of CVs and résumés; noting that the details that a CV obscures must be made explicit in a résumé. “Do consider the work you did in academe relevant experience,” they suggest, “but don’t use the language of higher education to talk about what you did as an academic.” Polk and Wood go on to provide a number of tips for improving one’s résumé for alt-academic careers.
photo credit: amtec_photos Resume – Glasses via photopin (license)