Social Network Analysis – Are you interested in this methodology?

narrow city canal on cold winter day

Social network analysis (SNA) is a unique field of study that looks to better understand the relationships and social networks of a defined group of individuals and/or organizations. In research, applications of social network analysis are myriad. People from many disciplines might have use for social network approaches, ranging from biology to computer science, psychology, sociology, healthcare, and public health (as only a few examples).

In an effort to enhance the depth and scope of expertise locally at Western, a series of talks and workshops led by experts in this field is being planned.

The initial talks will introduce the essentials of social network analysis including the theories and methods of analyzing social interactions such as inter-individual, inter-organizational, partnership, and social support. After this, there will be a series of workshops where scholars can develop a proposal with peer support and expert facilitation choosing and adapting the optimal data collection and analysis techniques for their research.

No prior knowledge in SNA is required.

As a way to gauge interest in potential future methodological workshops it is important to identify the spectrum of researchers who are currently engaging in or wish to engage in social network analysis/approaches.

Interested Western University faculty, post-doctoral scholars, trainees, PhD candidates and staff are asked to complete a brief survey which will remain open until February 26th. The survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete.

Contact for more information:
Anna Gunz, Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics
Mariam Hayward,, Knowledge Exchange and Impact Manager, Western Research

Author: Kueneman, Karen

Staff, 2015 Fall

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