Mitacs – Updates to Programs and Information Webinar

Mitacs program updates for universities

May 14, 2020
3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. ET

As the effects of COVID-19 continue, Mitacs is working closely with government, academic, and industry partners on strategies to support the urgent needs of businesses, students, and postsecondary partners. In light of the pandemic and the support required to address its aftermath, they will share some new COVID-19 initiatives that may be of interest to faculty and students. On Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 3:30pm – 4:30pm ET, they will host a webinar to review these initiatives in detail.

Faster approvals and better leveraging for COVID-19 projects (deadline to apply is June 1, 2020): If you are involved in the battle against COVID-19, it’s vital that you continue to push ahead with your R&D as quickly as possible. Eligible industry and not-for-profit partners that are developing specific COVID-19 solutions may qualify for fast-tracked research review to get them the talent they need right away. And, if you are working with a small- to medium-sized enterprise (SME), Mitacs is increasing the funding leveraging — SMEs may contribute as little as $3,750 for one four-month internship. Learn more here

Small- to medium-sized enterprise discount (deadline to apply is July 1, 2020): Businesses, especially SMEs, are facing challenging times, which might jeopardize their R&D activity, so Mitacs is improving its leveraging for SMEs for a limited time. During this time, businesses can contribute $3,750 for a four-month internship, for a total award of $15,000. Learn more here

COVID-19 Industrial Postdoctoral Fellowship (deadline to apply is May 15, 2020): This is a one-year collaborative research award between universities and industry or not-for-profit partners that demonstrate a strong benefit to Canada in battling COVID-19 and addressing its aftermath. Eligible projects will be fast-tracked through the Mitacs approval process. Additional financial support is available to SMEs working to develop solutions to COVID-19. For a finite period, with an SME contribution of $15,000, Mitacs will provide a total award of $60,000 to cover the postdoctoral fellow’s salary and associated research costs. Learn more here.

Research Training Award: The Research Training Award (RTA) is an immediate and short-term opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to undertake a 12- to 16-week paid research training internship, valued at $6,000 per student. Student-led, these projects are designed to enhance their research skills as well as their interaction with faculty. Host institutions will be asked to contribute $3,000 towards the total award. These projects are intended to provide opportunities for students over the summer months, ideally starting by June 1, 2020, and no later than August 31, 2020.

Business Strategy Internship: For a limited time, undergraduate and graduate business students can undertake internships to apply their business expertise to real-world decision-making in SMEs. Projects will be structured to undertake a strategic analysis of an SME to help them restore or modify their business operations in a new business environment disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. These paid internships are valued at $10,000 per student. SMEs and host institutions will each contribute $2,500 towards the $10,000 award. This exciting opportunity allows business students with broader training and career opportunities while providing support to SMEs who need additional assistance in modifying their business operations to adapt to the new economic reality.

Canadian Science Policy Fellowship COVID-19 (deadline to apply is May 31, 2020): To support the development of evidence-informed policy with access to scientific expertise from Canada’s academic sector, Mitacs is opening a Canadian Science Policy Fellowship (CSPF) COVID-19 call. This cohort will address Canada’s response to COVID-19, recovery, and preparation for future pandemics.

This CSPF COVID-19 call is a modified version of the standard CSPF program aimed at quickly connecting government with academic researchers meaning a faster matching process from a pool of qualified and pre-approved candidates, all of whom hold PhDs. This call will be open to provincial, municipal, and Indigenous governments.

photo credit: frederic.gombert Let’s bright via photopin (license)

Research Western Update: Restrictions to Fieldwork

April 7, 2020

Given ongoing concerns related to social distancing and the impact of travel on communities, non-essential fieldwork should remain on hold for the immediate future. To continue, this work must first be declared essential by your department chair or Dean, as relevant, and fulfill requirements set by your faculty.

Final sign-off must also be provided by the Vice-President (Research), using the linked form. [PDF]

Research Western appreciates the impact these decisions have on your research projects and programs, particularly for graduate students. Our first priority is to protect Western’s students, trainees, staff, faculty and our surrounding communities.

Proposed fieldwork must consider the following:

  • Limit field work to essential, time-sensitive tasks
  • Follow directives of all governments, municipalities, communities and public health boards, including by respecting wishes to limit visitors to and from the area
  • Adhere to public health guidance related to social distancing
  • Minimize the number of participants at a given time and location
  • Limit interaction with the general public
  • Where possible, travel directly from home to the field site
  • Where impossible to travel in separate vehicles, maximize seating distance and use separate entrances in multi-row vehicles
  • Disinfect and avoid sharing equipment
  • Use hand sanitizer regularly
  • Do not participate in field research if you are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19

photo credit: sardinista Closed – sorry via photopin (license)

COVID-19: Western Libraries Resource Guides

Currently, all of Western’s library locations are closed; however, all services are moving to online, including collections, research help, and consults. They have a rich online collection of databasese-journalse-books, and other online academic materials for your online teaching, learning, and research.

Western Libraries have recently compiled two library guides, and you may find them helpful:

·       Open Resources for COVID-19 Research with a variety of reliable, up-to-date resources on COVID-19 and related research; 

·       Expanded & Freely Available Resources with a list of expanded & freely available resources to support online teaching and learning.

Research help is available for faculty and students through chat and email. They also provide library consultations via Zoom (freely available to all with Western ID) or another strategy that works for the librarian and the faculty/students.  Check this webpage for changes to library services, and if you have any questions regarding library services, please contact

photo credit: fabioomero it’s pandemic via photopin (license)

Research & COVID 19 – Clarification on Face-to-Face Data Collection / Meetings

Western has advised researchers that if they cannot maintain appropriate social distancing in their facilities, they must prepare to close down their labs (see for the latest guidance). While this messaging has been directly largely toward labs in the STEM disciplines, social science researchers must be aware that these guidelines apply also to their research, labs, and research groups.

All face to face data collection should cease immediately: any protocols that currently involve in-person interaction must be modified to eliminate the necessity for face to face interaction between researchers, participants, or participants and researchers. Research labs and research groups (including faculty, graduate students, and research lab personnel)  must meet virtually (using Skype, Zoom, or other technologies) rather than conducting face to face meetings.

photo credit: fabioomero it’s pandemic via photopin (license)

COVID19 Research Ethics Board Work Instructions for Researchers

March 19th, 2020
Given the evolving circumstances with COVID19 Western’s Research Ethics Boards (REB) encourage all researchers with active protocols to evaluate the necessity of ongoing study activities at this time, and if needed, to make appropriate (and applicable) revisions to their study in response to Public Health Ontario recommendations until further notice – maintaining compliance to all institutional, provincial and federal guidelines.

The Principal Investigator (PI) on the application is responsible for exercising sound judgment in determining when ongoing study activities are appropriate, taking into consideration: (a) the objective of the research; (b) the mandate to protect all participants, research staff and the community at large; and (c) the resources available (e.g., access to study sites, personnel, technologies, etc.) to carry out ongoing activities.

  1. Are ongoing study activities essential at this time?
  2. If ‘yes’, what study activities must continue?
  3. Are any modifications to approved study procedures needed to responsibly carry out these activities?
  4. If ‘yes’, will these modifications increase any risk to participants, researchers, the community at large or the institution?
  5. If ‘yes’, what steps will be implemented to minimize risk to all involved?

Western’s Research Ethics Boards (REBs) recognize the with a wide range of research across campus will necessitate diverse modifications to facilitate research activities during this time.

Below are some technologies Western makes available which may help facilitate social distancing and minimize travel to campus and face-to-face interactions, while still allowing research teams to communicate with each other and with participants as needed.

  • Consent modifications: verbal consent via telephone (required: verbal script and evidence of documented consent such as via audio-recording); written consent received via email attachment; online consent via Qualtrics (
  • Videoconferencing options: Western Zoom and hospital options
  • Office 365 Suite: deemed secure for collection, transfer, storage of sensitive information (e.g., de-identified research data)

As per the Memo sent on March 13, 2020, researchers must report these modifications to the REB within 5 days of implementing the change if not possible to do so before. These reports must be submitted as a Reportable Event in WREM (see Actions: “Create Sub-Form”), selecting “For Your
Information (FYI)” in Q1.8 of the application form.

You must go into WREM and use the correspondence feature to message the specific Ethics Officer (EO) assigned to your file to efficiently communicate with the REB about your own individual studies. It will be much faster and the most efficient way to ensure your message gets to the most appropriate person. The messages go right to the email for the EO assigned to the file.

Office of Human Research Ethics Phone: 519.661.3036, Email:

photo credit: Prachatai Covid-19 via photopin (license)

Human Research Ethics in Light of COVID-19

March 13, 2020. Memo from Erika Basile, Director, Research Ethics and Compliance Office, Western University

Impact of COVID-19 on Western University Research Ethics Board (REB) approved Studies

Given rapidly evolving circumstances presented by COVID-19, Western’s Health Sciences and Non-Medical Research Ethics Boards (HSREB/NMREB) are monitoring the situation carefully in conjunction with hospital and university programs and units. Our primary concern is the health and well-being of our patients, staff, faculty and students. This is particularly important for ongoing research taking place within our hospitals/university and affiliated sites. This is a fluid situation we are monitoring closely.

The Office of Human Research Ethics does not have the resources necessary to provide their usual levels of ethical oversight. As such, investigators will temporarily need to bear an increased burden for oversight of their projects to ensure research participant/patient safety. This is particularly critical for research participants/patients whose care involves investigational drug or medical device interventions and whose safety depends on regular evaluations.

Effective immediately, enrollment of new research participants into Lawson-affiliated studies not providing a potentially essential treatment option with a time limited enrollment window should be suspended until April 30, 2020. Please note this date may be extended as the situation evolves. In contrast, enrollment of new research participants for non-Lawson affiliated studies is NOT suspended at this time.

We are advising investigators to consider whether their active research protocols could be modified or delayed to limit personal contact, laboratory visits or trips to clinics and hospitals. These modifications must be completed in collaboration with the study sponsor where applicable.

Specifically, in-person interactions should be reduced and/or replaced with telephone or online communication wherever it is possible to maintain the protocol’s scientific validity. Considerations include the nature of the protocol, the type of participants engaged in the research and any additional risks that may arise by switching from in-person to virtual communication (e.g., Cisco Webex at the hospitals, Zoom at Western).

Revised participant consent or consent addendums may be required (e.g., to update privacy considerations with use of different communication channels), but these communication changes do not need to be approved by the HSREB/NMREB prior to implementation. Please note this is not a blanket approval for protocol changes. This correspondence applies only to changes made in response to COVID-19 precautions.

Where research staff are feeling unwell, care should be taken to stay home to prevent transmission of any illness. Institutional protocols must be followed, as determined by Western/LHSC/SJHC/Lawson, if COVID-19 is known or suspected.

While regulations (e.g., TCPS2, FDA) typically require review and approval of research protocol modifications prior to implementation, an exception can be made where the change is necessary to eliminate an immediate risk to participant(s) (TCPS2 Article 6.15 and 21 CFR 56.108(a)(4)). Such changes may be implemented immediately; however, where possible, the notification to the REB should be performed prior to implementing the changes, and when notification to the REB is not possible before implementation, they must be reported to the HSREB/NMREB within five business days (via WREM-Reportable Event-FYI). Please specifically
reference “COVID-19”.

Ethical oversight is the responsibility of PIs if they are introducing additional risks and making urgent changes prior to formal HSREB/NMREB approval. Investigators must also submit a document that describes the changes and explains how participants will be protected. Copies of
any new or revised participant-facing materials must also be submitted. Sign-off on the submission by WREM must be provided by the PI or a PI-delegated person.

This change to the REB process will be in place until further communicated.

If you have any questions/concerns please contact the office at or 519-661- 3036.

photo credit: Prachatai Covid-19 via photopin (license)