ORCID & the Canadian Common CV

What is an ORCID ID?
The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is a digital identifier distinguishing you from other researchers. It automatically links you and your research activities, ensuring you receive consistent, reliable attribution for your work.

Why should I have an ORCID ID?
An ORCID ID better enables you to:

  • Stand out
  • Get credit for your work
  • Work smarter
  • Collaborate
  • Extend your reach of your work

How to coordinate ORCID and CCV
Visit the ORCID website to register for an ID, and use this resource to integrate your ORCID ID with your Canadian Common CV (CCV).

Western Libraries – Services for Research

Western Libraries offers many services for researchers:

Feel free to reach out with questions to rsclib@uwo.ca

Western Libraries – Research Skills Workshops

You’re invited to join Western Libraries for these upcoming Research Skills Workshops.

March 2 (1:30-2:30): Finding and Evaluating Book Reviews (Zoom)
This session looks at the role book reviews play in academic publishing, research, and teaching. Hundreds of thousands of books are published every year, but only a small portion receive critical reviews. Thanks to the Internet, more books are being reviewed beyond magazines and journals. Learn about the importance of book reviews and how they shape what we read.

Session outcomes: 

  • Identify the role book reviews play in academic publishing
  • Incorporate book reviews into your research and teaching
  • Develop strategies for locating and evaluating book reviews

March 3 (10:30-12:00): Literature Search for Systematic/Scoping Reviews (Zoom)
This interactive workshop introduces methods for systematically searching the literature, including identifying key databases and developing a thorough search strategy. Tips and tricks in the major databases will also be demonstrated.

Session outcomes:

  • How to identify and search key research databases
  • How to apply advanced searching techniques
  • How to develop a search strategy for your own research question

To find more upcoming Western Library events and workshops visit the Western Libraries Events page.  If you have questions about workshops, please email rsclib@uwo.ca.

Western Libraries – Upcoming Research Skills Workshops

You are invited to join the upcoming Research Skills Workshops, hosted by Western Libraries. From data collection to publishing, get expert help at all stages of the research cycle with free workshops. 

Jan. 31 (10:00-11:00): What to Know BEFORE You Start a Systematic/Scoping Review  

This information session will cover the basics of conducting a systematic and scoping review and will identify tools and resources that can support both review processes. Attendees will learn how systematic and scoping reviews are defined and characterized, steps of the systematic and scoping review process, and strategies for managing the complex processes for conducting these reviews

Feb. 2 (1:00-2:30): Sharing and Archiving Data with Borealis 

Western Libraries provides access to Borealis, a publicly accessible, secure Canadian data repository system using Dataverse software for sharing and archiving data. Dataverse allows for data to be released and shared openly or privately with precision at the file level. Learn to create an archive and get a DOI, add, share and restrict files, and create and publish metadata, data, and documents.

Feb. 7 (1:30-2:30): Introduction to Qualitative Analysis with Nvivo 

NVivo is a tool for organizing, managing and analyzing qualitative data. This introductory session will provide an overview of NVivo’s capabilities and demonstrate how to use it to get started on a qualitative research project. Learn about the capabilities of this popular analysis package, how to set up a project and import different kinds of data and start coding.

Feb. 9 (1:30-2:30): Doing Research with Fitness Trackers  

This session explores the links between research, bipedalism, and data privacy. Academics and knowledge keepers walk to learn about our world. Digital technologies tend to purge movement from the research process as much as they allow us to track our every step. Learn how to incorporate walking into your research agenda and keep your fitness data safe.

To find more upcoming Western Library events and workshops visit the Western Libraries Events page.  If you have questions about workshops, please email rsclib@uwo.ca.

ICPSR Summer Program – Statistics and Research Methods – Scholarship

The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), of which Western is a member, is an international consortium that provides leadership and training in data access, curation and methods of analysis.  Benefits of being an ICPSR member include data access, repository services as well as educational activities, including the annual Summer Program in Quantitative Methods and Social Research.

ICPSR’s summer program aims to “train a diverse community of scholars in statistical techniques and research methods. We empower our program participants, from undergrads to mid-career researchers, to immediately upgrade and sharpen the skills vital in their work to address real-world problems, develop policy solutions, and positively impact the future.”

This year’s summer program is being offered in a hybrid format, with in-person, zoom, and asynchronous online formats.  The program includes both Short workshops and 4-Week Sessions  on topics in quantitative methods and data analysis. As a ICPSR member institution attendees from Western are eligible for a discount on this training plus individuals have the option of applying for scholarships from ICPSR. A number of scholarship opportunities are available from ICPSR which provide registration fee waivers.  A list of scholarship opportunities can be found at: https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/web/pages/sumprog/scholarships/index.html

The deadline to apply for scholarships is February 1, 2023:

Please contact Elizabeth Hill (ethill@uwo.ca), Data Librarian, Western Libraries, should you have any questions.

Western Library Webinars for Research

Western Libraries is offering 2 workshops this week that may be of interest.

Finding Statistical Data Sources at Western

Date:  Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Time:  1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Location:  Zoom (register here)

This session will explore how research questions can be answered using data resources, such as secondary data collected from sources such as Statistics Canada. Resources supported by Western Libraries will be featured as will other sources.

Research Data Management: Plans, Tools, and Grants

Date: Thursday, February 17, 2022
Time: 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Location: Zoom (register here)

The Canadian Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy, released early in 2021, introduced new requirements for researchers applying for grants from CIHR, SSHRC, and NSERC. The various requirements can be intimidating, but data management doesn’t need to be a headache. This workshop will cover current and anticipated requirements, teach you about the most important elements of a data management plan, and discuss data sharing and archiving. This workshop will also introduce a new Western-customized assistant for writing Data Management Plans that will help you choose the most appropriate, locally supported technologies.

See all upcoming workshops

Research Ethics Training – Update of TCPS-2 Course On Research Ethics (CORE)

The Secretariat on Responsible Conduct of Research (the Secretariat) wants to inform the research community that the current Tri-Council Policy Statement 2: Course on Research Ethics (TCPS 2: CORE) will soon be replaced by a new version – TCPS 2: CORE-2022. The latter will refer exclusively to the TCPS 2 and will focus on ethics guidance that is applicable to all research involving human participants, regardless of discipline or methodology.

CORE-2022 will consist of nine modules and a knowledge consolidation exercise:

  • Module A1 – Introduction
  • Module A2 – Scope of TCPS 2
  • Module A3 – Risks and Benefits
  • Module A4 – Consent
  • Module A5 – Fairness and Equity
  • Module A6 – Privacy and Confidentiality
  • Module A7 – Conflicts of Interest
  • Module A8 – Research Ethics Board Review
  • Module A9 – Research Involving Indigenous Peoples
  • Knowledge Consolidation Exercise

Each module will include 4-5 quiz questions. These questions will provide users with an opportunity to test their knowledge as they progress through the modules. In addition, the new version will include a knowledge consolidation exercise (KCE) consisting of 25 multiple-choice questions. A CORE-2022 Certificate of Completion will be issued to users following the successful completion of the KCE. The new course will be self-paced and should take approximately 4 hours to complete. It will be possible for users to complete the course over multiple sessions by saving their progress and resuming later. CORE-2022 will be compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0) to ensure accessibility for all users.

Migration to CORE-2022 will take place during the week of January 10, 2022. Access to existing CORE registration and course completion information by users and institutions will continue, albeit through CORE-2022’s database. However, there will be no transition period during which both versions are available. Therefore, the Secretariat advises anyone who has started the current version of the course, but has not completed it, to do so by December 31, 2021. This is to avoid losing your progress in the current version.

Questions related to the upcoming migration to CORE-2022 should be directed to the Secretariat at secretariat@srcr-scrr.gc.ca.

Social Media Research – Workshop by Western Libraries

Western Libraries is offering an introductory workshop on doing research using social media data.

Thursday November 11, 10:30 am
via Zoom

Want to learn how to get started with social media research? Join Western Libraries for a workshop on popular platforms for research, methods for accessing the data, and different approaches and tools for analysis.

Sign up at: http://www.events.westernu.ca/events/libraries/2021-11/social-media-data-for-research.html

Western Libraries -NVivo Workshop

NVivo Introductory Workshop

November 9, 2021, 1:30 p.m.

Interested in digital qualitative research? Join the library for a webinar on getting started with NVivo. Learn about the capabilities of this popular analysis package, how to set up a project and import different kinds of data, and start coding. NVivo is a tool for organizing, managing and analyzing qualitative data. This introductory session will provide an overview of NVivo’s capabilities and demonstrate how to use it to get started on a qualitative research project.

Session outcomes:

  • Learn about the features and functionality of NVivo
  • Set data files up for autocoding and import
  • Create an NVivo project and import different types of data
  • Organize and classify files and cases
  • Code data and create notes and memos
  • Run queries and create charts
  • Plan a content analysis

Register for this online workshop here.

Access to NVivo software is not essential but may be helpful if you want to follow along. A trial version of the software may be downloaded here.

Questions / More information: Contact Kristi Thompson, kthom67@uwo.ca

Western Libraries – Upcoming Research Workshop: Data Handling in Excel

Basic Data Handling with Excel

Thursday, Oct 21, 2021
1:30 pm
Via Zoom

This session will introduce some of the basics of setting up and managing data for a research project, including planning a data project, file organization and documentation, setting up data for analysis in Excel. You will also learn some handy Excel data tips like pivot tables.

More information and registration:http://www.events.westernu.ca/events/libraries/2021-10/basic-data-handling-excel.html