This award recognizes faculty, staff, and students at Western, who are engaged in a range of efforts directed towards improving the quality of life for individuals and communities around the world. Preference will be given to the recognition of activities undertaken by the candidate that have current or potential international impact.
Deadline: May 17, 2018 Final application and signature page must be submitted to Research Development and Services
Amount: A maximum of $5,000 may be awarded and must be used in support of humanitarian efforts as chosen by the recipient.
Application Process: The Western Humanitarian Award internal adjudication and selection process is managed by Research Development & Services. A complete application will consist of:
- A completed Western Humanitarian Award Application– online form which includes
- Applicant information
- Humanitarian Project details
- Abbreviated CV
- A signed and dated signature page
More information and applications…
photo credit: Riccardo Palazzani – Italy Impressions via photopin (license)