The SSHRC Impact Awards celebrate Canada’s best leaders, thinkers and researchers in the social sciences and humanities.
Research Western: March 1, 2017 (for cover letter)
SSHRC: April 5, 2017
Descriptions and Amounts:
Talent Award ($50,000) – The Talent Award recognizes outstanding achievement by an individual who, on April 30, 2017, holds a SSHRC doctoral or postdoctoral fellowship or scholarship. The Talent Award is given to an individual who maintains academic excellence, has a talent for research and knowledge mobilization and has demonstrated clear potential to be a future leader within and/or outside the academic sector.
Nomination Process: Western University may submit only one nomination for each award. Please contact your Associate Dean Research, Assistant Dean Research or Director of Research if you would like to suggest a nominee. Interested parties are encouraged to consult with Julaine Hall ( at Research Development & Services regarding these awards and their nomination processes.
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