COVID-19 Research Update – Western Research

The university’s most recent COVID-19 update (COVID-19 website ) has been developed to ensure the Western community continues to keep each other safe this fall. Western Research has correspondingly updated their guidance for research, scholarship and creative activity. These are posted on Western Research COVID website ( and provided below, as follows: 

  • Beginning Sept 1, 2022, Medical-grade (ASTM level 3) masks will be required for all research personnel, visitors and research participants in indoor spaces. 
  • Beginning Oct 1, 2022, Proof of vaccination, with a minimum of three doses, is required for all on-campus personnel and visitors. Please see Western’s vaccination policy for exemptions and additional information. 
  • Capacity in research spaces will remain at 100 per cent. 

Western Research – COVID-19 Research Update

The Province of Ontario has recently revised its public health measures and advice to eliminate mandatory masking in public spaces. Western has similarly removed its mask mandate inside its buildings at this time.

Requirements for in-person research have correspondingly been modified to reflect these changes. Mask-wearing is now a personal choice except in on-campus clinics where patient care is delivered.

All research in clinics is to be conducted according to safety guidelines established by the clinic (e.g., dental clinics still require full PPE by dentists and staff). Please note that PPE must also continue in settings where this safety measure is required independent of COVID.

Medical-grade (ASTM level 3) masks must still be made available to all researchers and participants across all research models and spaces.

Western recognizes that Coronavirus Omicron variants continue to present serious risks and are working with public health officials to monitor these risks and to act accordingly. All researchers are encouraged to continue prioritizing safety in this context. Thank you for your continued diligence.

Additional notes:

COVID-19 Research Update: Return to Full Capacity

Effective March 1, 2022, Western will again increase capacity in research spaces to 100 per cent, provided all personnel continue to follow PPE, vaccination, screening and cleaning requirements.

These changes include face-to-face human studies involving high ventilation rates (e.g., exercise testing or training), which still require the use of rapid tests prior to entering the research space and appropriate filtering of intake and exhaled air. All other previously permitted research models may also continue.

Western Research – COVID-19 Update

January 4/2022

Western Research’s goal remains to support research, scholarship and creative activity, while minimizing the risk of viral transfer on Western’s campus and in the community. To these ends, they have provided the following updates, which follow guidance from the university and the Government of Ontario, and reiterate those published on December 16, 2021. They also include an additional recommendation to conduct work remotely, wherever possible:

  • Occupancy of on-campus research spaces remains at 50 per cent of capacity and researchers, trainees and participants must be doubly vaccinated, physically distanced and protected by properly fitting three-layer masks, goggles or shields.
  • Any off-campus volunteers or participants must adhere to these guidelines unless they are visiting for purposes of a clinical appointment as per Western’s COVID-19 Vaccination Policy (MAPP 3.1.1).
  • As per Western’s new guidelines, announced on Jan 3, 2022, researchers, research staff and trainees will continue to have access to their research areas for purposes of data acquisition; however, they are asked to work remotely when not actively engaged in these activities.
  • As there are currently no restrictions on local travel, field research can continue. Travelers must adhere to restrictions imposed by the local community to which they are traveling.
  • Please work closely with your academic unit and Associate/Assistant Dean (Research) to discuss any questions you have about your particular needs or situations.

Updates, as they become available, will continue to be added to the Western Research COVID-19 website.

Western Research- COVID-19 Update: Precautionary Measures for Research

The risk level for COVID-19 infection is rising rapidly in our region and has forced Western Research to revisit the guidelines for mitigating risk within research spaces.

What does this mean for research at Western?

To prioritize the health and safety of our campus community, Western Research is reintroducing the following precautionary measures for research activities, effective December 18, 2021:

  • Occupancy of on-campus research spaces will be rolled back to 50 per cent.
  • Models of remote research (those requiring no face-to-face contact) may continue, and our human research ethics team remains available to provide any necessary support for modifying existing research protocols.
  • Human participant research may continue so long as it respects the 50 per cent capacity restriction and all PPE guidelines. Physical exercise and other studies with elevated ventilation rates, however, should be discontinued at this time.
  • Western Research continues to support research involving vaccinated off-campus participants under existing guidelines.
  • The Government of Canada has issued a global travel advisory to avoid all non-essential travel outside the country, effective December 15; therefore, they are similarly recommending the suspension of any international research activities involving travel.
  • As there are currently no restrictions on local travel, field research can continue. Travelers must adhere to restrictions imposed by the local community to which they are traveling.
  • There are no changes to existing guidelines for non-human research activities, with the exception of limiting capacity in research spaces to 50 per cent.

Given how fluid the situation continues to be, they will reassess the effectiveness of these measures in mid-January.

When in doubt, think safety first. Please continue to be vigilant within your research spaces and do not hesitate to address questions to your Dean, Associate/Assistant Dean (Research), and/or departmental delegate.

Please continue to work together to create the best possible outcomes in this ever-changing reality. 

Guidance for Acquiring Proof of Vaccination from Research Participants

In response to the recent memo that researchers must obtain proof of vaccination prior to welcoming research participants to campus, the Office of Human Research Ethics (OHRE) has the following guidance:

  • Ensure your study team is familiar with Western’s COVID-19 Vaccination Policy (MAPP 3.1.1)
  • Amendments to research protocols and documents are not required to address this additional institutional screening requirement.  Inclusion/Exclusion criteria, screening scripts and tools, and data collection tools should not be impacted when researchers are solely following institutional policy for on-campus attendance. 
  • Amendments are required if your study objectives newly require the collection of vaccination information as study data OR if your research as a whole must pivot to new methodology (e.g. remote vs in-person visits).
  • The requirements around vaccination should be introduced to participants prior to obtaining informed consent. Ongoing research participants should be notified of the vaccination policy as soon as possible.
  • Documentation of a participant’s vaccination status or exemption should not be part of their study record unless it is approved study data.
  • Ideally, the collection of vaccination information should be centralized within the faculty, school, or department.
  • Do not collect vaccination documents via email, as email is not considered secure (MAPP 1.13). Retain vaccination status information only until Western tells you that it can be destroyed.  As per the previous memo, actual vaccination documentation provided by the potential participant should NOT be retained at all.
  • As per MAPP 3.1.1, children under 12 are not considered visitors. Therefore, there is currently no requirement for research participants under 12 to be vaccinated or to provide proof of negative COVID tests.  However, like all participants they must do Western’s daily symptom screening prior to presenting to campus for research.
  • Consider your participant population because not all will have access to certain technology.  Obtaining verbal confirmation prior to a research participant coming to campus is sufficient if obtaining it ahead of time is not possible. Proof of vaccination documentation need only be shown in-person.

As the OHRE gathers more information guidance document will be updated.  Please consult the Vaccination Confirmation for Research Participants Guidance Document for the most up to date information, scripts and documentation requirements.

Western Research – Guidelines for Return to Research and Human Face-to-Face Studies

Research Capacity: With recent requirements for proof of vaccination, and flexible physical distancing requirements, we are now able to increase capacity in our research spaces to 100 per cent, provided all personnel continue to follow PPE and cleaning requirements.

Research Involving Visitors to Campus: All visitors to campus – including research participants – are to adhere to Western’s policy requiring mandatory proof of full vaccination status. These efforts will help ensure we continue to maintain a safe campus for all members of our community.

Researchers interested in welcoming research participants to campus are required to obtain and document proof of vaccination status for all participants who are unaffiliated with the university. Confirmation must be obtained in advance of their arrival on campus.

Please do not keep copies of vaccination documents; however, a record of receipt of proof will mitigate the need to confirm vaccination status for any recurring visit by the same participant.

Participants who are exempted from vaccination according to MAPP 3.1.1 must provide evidence of this exemption status, as well as two negative COVID-19 rapid antigen tests, commencing one week prior to each visit to campus.These tests, recurring for each week the participant plans to visit campus, must be separated by a minimum of 72 hours (e.g., if first tested for the week on Monday at 12 p.m., the next test must occur Thursday at 12 p.m. or later in the same seven-day period.) These tests are available in Western’s Graphic Services Building.

For every visit, all participants and research personnel must continue to follow existing protocols of filling out the COVID health questionnaire and adhering to all PPE, distancing and cleanliness practices in the research area.

Field Research: For all field research activities, all Western researchers are to adhere to guidelines provided by the relevant field site.

Questions: Adherence to research guidelines continues to be the responsibility of each academic unit. When in doubt, however, please think safety first and contact your faculty Associate / Assistant Dean (Research) for further information.

Western Research Update: Research and Step 1 of Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopen

The Province of Ontario has indicated it will move to Step 1 of its Roadmap to Reopen as part of its third-wave recovery plan on Friday, June 11, 2021 at 12:01 a.m.

What does this mean for research at Western?

  • On-campus research requires approval of the Dean or delegate, such as the Associate Dean (Research). Please contact your Associate/Assistant Dean (Research) to re-initiate studies.
  • In-person, face-to-face research that engages on-campus personnel (e.g., registered students, staff and faculty) as research participants may resume, effective June 11, 2021.
  • Indoor face-to-face human studies involving moderate-to-high ventilation rates (e.g., exercise testing or training) remain paused for the time being.
  • Off-campus field and community-based research must receive permission from both Western and destination sites.
  • Occupancy of on-campus research spaces is limited to 30 per cent.

As reminders, members of Western’s community are required to complete the return-to-campus questionnaire and to wear three-ply masks at all times in buildings on campus—including on lunch breaks—and near others outside. Supervisors may recommend face shields if goggles cannot be accommodated. It is recommended that all breaks occur outside where PPE can be removed when physically distanced from others.

When in doubt, think safety first.

The university continues to provide campus-wide updates and Western Research maintains additional research-related notices. Please direct any additional questions to your Associate/Assistant Dean (Research).

Western Research Update (Covid-19 Stay at Home)

Date: April 15, 2021
From: Kevin Shoemaker, Acting Associate Vice-President (Research)
Subject: Continued Vigilance For Research During Stay-at-Home Order.

As we enter the second week of a province-wide stay-at-home order, I want to provide some reminders to ensure the safety of our research community.

Research continues at a reduced rate on campus. Your continued vigilance is appreciated and critically important to our efforts to protect peers, friends and families. Thank you.

We are all keen to return to some sense of normalcy. To successfully do so, we must not let down our guard at this pivotal juncture.

As a reminder, when working on campus, please:

  • Complete your return-to-work questionnaire on a daily basis.
  • Complete your own research space’s checklist and entry protocols for tracking purposes.
  • Wear three-ply masks provided by the university when inside or near others.
  • Wear safety goggles—and potentially face shields, as recommended by supervisors—when it is necessary to work within two metres of another person.
  • Eat and rest only in designated areas, while maintaining guidelines for physical distancing and mask use (masks are only to be removed to take a bite/sip).
  • No face-to-face participant research, exercise-based activities or field studies are permitted, unless approved by the Dean’s office and the office of the Vice-President (Research).
  • Ensure occupancy in Western’s research spaces remains at 30 per cent or below.

When in doubt, think safety first. Spot checks may be conducted by members of our community or by the Middlesex-London Health Unit.

Additional resources are available through ongoing university-wide notices and research-related updates from Western Research. Please also direct any additional questions to your Associate Dean (Research) and/or departmental delegate.

COVID-19: Changes to Face-to-Face Research Activities at Western

April 6/21 – Memo from Lesley Rigg, Vice-President (Research)

There has been a rapid escalation of COVID-19 cases in our community, including on our campus.

To address increasing risks, we are implementing additional restrictions to permitted research activities. We need to be proactive and we need to continue to be rigorous.

Effective April 7, 2021 at 6 p.m., we will pause all face-to-face research with human participants on campus and in field studies for four weeks. We will re-evaluate these restrictions every two weeks by looking for a pattern of reduction in our community caseload.

These changes do not apply to research directly related to COVID-19. Other studies, including those approved over the past few months, may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to assess potential risks and benefits using the two-level approval system currently in place.

At the same time, research personnel are still able to access research spaces under current safety guidelines and to pursue research that does not involve face-to-face interactions with human participants.

As a reminder, members of our community are required to wear three-ply masks and to wear safety glasses if working within two metres of each other. Supervisors may also recommend face shields for additional protection. Occupancy in Western’s research spaces remains at 30 per cent capacity.

Where possible, we encourage you to work from home.

Please direct any questions to your Associate Dean (Research) and/or department delegate. Kevin Shoemaker is also available to assist with any questions on behalf of Western Research.

Western Research COVID-19 Updates