COVID-19 Data – Research Workshop from Western Libraries

Are you doing research on COVID-19?

Are you interested in learning more about the data being collected on the pandemic?

Join Western’s data librarians as they review sources of COVID-19 data. This workshop will have two areas of focus. Librarians will highlight available COVID-19 data dashboards and the sources they use, looking at data accessibility, reliability of the data, and how it is displayed. They will also review surveys, patient data, and social data collected to evaluate the impacts of the pandemic on people’s health and their social and economic well-being, looking at key Canadian and international datasets that have been shared for reuse.

Thursday, January 28, 2021
10:00 – 11:00 am

Register by Wednesday, January 27 for this online workshop here.

Western Research – Red Zone Guidelines for Research

Middlesex-London has moved to Red (control) level of the COVID-19 response framework, effective Monday, December 14, 2020. As a reminder, research-related guidelines for this Phase are copied below:

Red: All animal, bench and remote research continues. Human face-to-face as per Yellow phase but restrictions now include studies requiring high ventilation rates (e.g., heavy exercise) and exercise training models. Exceptions for critical research must receive decanal support. Examples of issues to consider in adjudicating critical research include COVID-specific studies, student progress, industrial contracts, clinical trials with large investments, etc. Field research must receive approvals from Western (decanal and VPR office) and the research site. Continue contact tracing for all people entering research areas. 

Please ensure that all research activities adhere to current physical distancing and PPE recommendations.

Please continue to be vigilant within your research spaces and do not hesitate to address questions to your Dean, Associate Dean (Research), and/or department delegate. You may also wish to visit Western’s Frequently Asked Questions and to refamiliarize yourself with the Research Recovery Plan.

Western Research COVID-19 Update December 4, 2020

The Province of Ontario has announced that the Middlesex-London Health Unit will move to the Orange Restricted level of Ontario’s COVID-19 Response Framework effective Monday, December 7, 2020.  This level of restriction includes enhanced public health measures and that information can be found here:

However, note that this shift in public health measures and restrictions will not affect current research guidelines, activities or restrictions. The current guidelines can be found here: 

Please continue to adhere to the safety standards established for our research areas and initiatives, ensuring the safety of all research personnel and stakeholders.  

New Human Research Ethics Guidance Documents – Remote Consent

With the continued risk of COVID-19 exposure and as Public Health and institutional directives such as physical distancing continue to be mandated, researchers must think about converting studies involving in-person contact into remote methods of data collection. Modified study procedures may be carried out with Research Ethics Board approval when feasible (and only when appropriate).

The Office of Human Research Ethics (OHRE) is aware of the urgency to provide the research community with guidelines to support continued research activities. To that end, they have developed two new guidance documents:

Ethical considerations for remote consent and assent : This guidance document was developed by the OHRE in collaboration with six other institutions, including local hospitals, Western’s privacy office and the Lawson Health Research Institute. It provides guidelines for our research community for alternative consent processes, as opposed to the traditional in person consent process. In addition, it also provides a board framework for different consent options and documentation.

Western Qualtrics for electronic documentation of consent: Working closely with Western’s privacy office as well as Western’s Technology Services they have developed a guidance document that addresses specific requirements for the use of Western Qualtrics to document consent (electronic consent).

When conversion isn’t possible: There may be instances when it is not appropriate to make a specific change to your data collection (e.g. conducting in-person interviews about a sensitive topic and with a vulnerable population). In these instances, study activities may have to remain on hold until physical distancing requirements are not required.

Please remember that during these times, the logistics for any prospective research must be carefully considered. For more information, please see the past communication, Considerations for New Initial REB applications and Amendments for ongoing studies.

If you would like to review any previous memoranda or other communications, you can find them on the website under Communications and Memos. To review all guidance and template documents, please visit the Guidance and Templates page, or go to WREM (under HELP > Templates).

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the office at or 519-661- 3036.

Research Recovery at Western – Phase 4

Research at Western is now in Phase 4 of COVID-19 recovery and all employees and students can be on campus as well as visitors including patients. Further, all ethics-approved studies can continue. The existing and on-going constraints include the limited proportional capacity of the campus, screening, research space cleaning, PPE and other strategies to mitigate virus transfer. Also, the guidelines regarding working remotely if that is possible remain in effect. 

Please see the attached document produced by Western’s Human Resources that provides guidance to the process of inviting campus visitors and the preparations they need to consider before coming onto campus.

More information…


Human Ethics – Interpretations related to Covid-19

On behalf of the Panel on Research Ethics, the Secretariat on Responsible Conduct of Research has shared new interpretations to support the community in applying the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans, TCPS 2 (2018) during the current COVID-19 publicly declared emergency. The interpretations can be found at this link.

Research Recovery Update: Phase 3

Phase 3 of recovery from the COVID-19 lockdown for Western University researchers will begin August 4

Phase 3 means that researchers can resume human participant research in an ordered and safe fashion.  

The next critical phase requires a higher level of vigilance in safe practice and oversight by faculty researchers of their research trainees and their human participants.

The addendum regarding the human participant research recovery strategy has been updated and is available at:

Western Research – Recovery Plan for Human Participants Studies

Western Research has released an addendum to its research recovery plan with guidelines for a phased in version of research recovery for human participant studies. This likely will occur in Phase 3 as defined by the Provincial Government although there is still a state of uncertainty on the timing of phases  and their duration.

photo credit: Onasill ~ Bill – 72.2 M Lake Placid – New York – MIrror Lake – Dog Taking a Dip on a Hot Day via photopin (license)

Human Research Ethics COVID-19 Update

June 2, 2020

Given persisting public health recommendations to maintain social distancing and to adhere to other related safety precautions, Western University’s research ethics boards (REBs) encourage all researchers to exercise sound judgment and to speak to their Deans/Department Chairs or Chair/Chiefs and the REB when considering their research programs and specific ethics protocols.

On May 29, the Vice-President (Research) distributed a COVID-19 Research Recovery Plan that outlines Western’s four-phased plan for returning to campus. If you are considering restarting or initiating any on-campus, community-based or field research, you must first receive approval from your Dean or designated Department Chair or School Director (Western) or your Chair/Chiefs (Lawson).

During the early phases of the pandemic, the Office of Human Research Ethics updated its processes to address immediate and temporary changes needed to eliminate risks to participants using the FYI notification feature in WREM.

Changes no longer considered urgent or temporary to minimize participant risk must now be submitted as amendments for REB approval, including those initially submitted as FYI.

When considering submitting an amendment:

  • General modifications due to public safety guidelines do not require an amendment (e.g., standing two metres apart, wearing masks, etc.);
  • Changes to study procedures as a result of public safety guidelines will require an amendment (e.g., switching from an in-person focus group to individual interviews or online data collection);
  • Any additions of COVID-related inquiries to an existing study (e.g., additional questions/analyses) must be related to the original research questions/objectives; otherwise, please submit as a new REB application;

Modified study procedures may be carried out with REB approval when feasible, and only when appropriate. There may be instances when it is not appropriate to make a specific change (e.g., conducting in-person interviews about a sensitive topic and with a vulnerable population may not be appropriate to switch to online interviews; therefore, study activities may still have to be on hold until social distancing requirements are not required). Different considerations will be needed depending on the type of research and typical procedures for that study team. The logistics for any prospective research must be carefully considered.

For more information and some considerations to evaluate prior to submitting an REB application please see the full memo.

photo credit: Gamaliel E. M. No ez un covid mochiron via photopin (license)

Western’s Research Recovery Plan

May 28, 2020

Western Research has distributed the COVID-19 Research Recovery Plan. The emphasis remains on the safety of the community while remaining flexible and prepared to return to an essential services model should situations with COVID-19 continue to change. 

If you do not need to be on campus, please continue to work off-site.

photo credit: Tim Lumley Breakfast Moose (Explored May 8, 2020) via photopin (license)