Western’s Scholars to Leaders Series from SGPS

You are invited to attend the October SGPS Scholars to Leaders Guest Speaker Series event.

Professor Mary Crossan is a Distinguished University Professor of General Management at the Ivey School of Business and one of the most highly cited faculty members at Ivey, earning the Academy of Management Review Paper of the Decade Award (1998-2008). Come and listen to her talk about “What I Know Now That I wish I Knew Then”: Activating and Developing Character for Sustained Excellence.

The event takes place this Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at 12:30pm in the IGAB Atrium of the International and Graduate Affairs Building (IGAB).

Pizza will be available on a ‘first come, first served’ basis for those attending the event. No registration is required.

Visit http://www.grad.uwo.ca/finances/external_funding/index.html for the full roster of speakers this year.

The 2018-2019 Scholars to Leaders Speaker Series

You are invited to attend this year’s first School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (SGPS) Scholars to Leaders Guest Speaker Series event.

Professor Brock Fenton is an expert on bats. He has studied their ecology and biology all over the world, including Costa Rica, Australia, Zimbabwe and South Africa, and has published extensively. In addition to his bat studies, Professor Fenton has provided leadership in the teaching of biology and science, for Western and universities Canada-wide. He also works to increase public awareness of science through lectures, visits to public schools, and popular writing in magazines and electronic media. Come and listen to his perspectives of leadership through the lens of bats, “Bats as Magic Wells“.

The event takes place Wednesday, September 26, 2018 at 12:30pm in the IGAB Atrium of the International and Graduate Affairs Building (IGAB).

Pizza will be available on a ‘first come, first served’ basis for those attending the event. No registration is required.

Visit http://www.grad.uwo.ca/finances/external_funding/index.html for the full roster of speakers this year.

Call for Presentations – 2nd Annual FIMS/Music/Law (FIMULAW) Research Day

The Faculties of Music, Information and Media Studies, and Law invite graduate students and faculty to submit a poster, panel presentation, lightning talk, or performance presentation to the 2018 FIMULAW Research Day, Friday April 13, 2018.

The FIMULAW Research Day is an interdisciplinary research day that provides faculty and graduate students an opportunity to present their work and to engage with an interdisciplinary audience on matters of importance to researchers across disciplines. Graduate students and faculty are welcome to reuse posters and presentations from previous conferences.



  • Panelists should speak to this year’s topics of “Mental Health” or “Deconstructing Privilege.”
  • Submit an abstract of no more than 300 words based on the above topics.
  • Panelists will be given 10 minutes to speak on their topic. A question and answer period will follow roundtable discussions and is not included in the time limit.


  • Posters on any and all topics relating to FIMS, Music, or Law research will be considered.
  • An emphasis on interdisciplinarity is encouraged, but not required.
  • Submit a brief description (50-100 words) and poster title for consideration.
  • Posters can be printed or presented in electronic format. Proposals for alternate formats of presentation are welcome. 
  • Partial reimbursement for graduate student poster cost may be provided.
  • Posters from previous presentations are welcome and do not need to be reprinted


  • Lightning talks on any and all topics relating to FIMS, Music, or Law research will be considered.
  • Lightning talk participants will be given exactly 3 minutes to present. Visual aids are welcome, but not required.
  • An emphasis on interdisciplinarity is encouraged, but not required.
  • Submit a brief description (50-100 words) and presentation title for consideration.


  • Solo or Chamber Music presentations on creative process exploring any repertoire or context are welcomed. ● Presentations should include performance and discussion of creative process.
  • Performance Presentations are limited to 15 minutes.
  • Submit a brief description (50-100 words) and suggested work(s) for consideration.

Please submit your name, faculty, tentative title and abstract/brief description to kbylica@uwo.ca by February 16, 2018 and indicate the format of your proposed presentation.  Successful submissions will be notified by Friday, March 9, 2018.

Questions? Please contact Kelly Bylica (PhD Student, Faculty of Music) – kbylica@uwo.ca 

More information on the event…

 photo credit: zhongxindaodi1314 “All Things Live in the Rules and Laws Set Down by God” via photopin (license)

Music Therapy Conference – Wilfrid Laurier University

This year Wilfrid Laurier University is hosting Written on the Wind, a one day conference for music, therapy, performance and health on May 5, 2018. The keynote speaker from Belgium, Jos de Backer will present Listening to the Silence in Clinical Improvisations.

This conference is meant to draw together artists and therapists whose common aim is to promote music and health.

Written on the Wind conference website/registration – https://goo.gl/5oBiWn

Written on the Wind Facebook page – https://goo.gl/GB3yP4

 photo credit: PHOTOGRAPHY Toporowski Christmas mood via photopin (license)

Envirocon 2018 Call for Abstracts

How can we improve community engagement in topics related to the environment and sustainability?

EnviroCon is a full-day conference hosted by Western’s Centre for Environment and Sustainability and is organized by graduate students in the collaborative program. Organizers aim to bring together the knowledge and research of undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and community members involved in environment and sustainability.

Participation in this annual conference is free of charge, and all members of the community are welcome to participate/attend.

Please see the attached Call for Abstracts. Deadline for submissions is February 9.

Electronic Submissions and questions: ces.envirocon@gmail.com
Website: https://www.uwo.ca/enviro/envirocon/

Posters and paper presentations on topics related to environment and sustainability are welcome.

March 16, 2018
(IGAB) International and Graduate Affairs Building
Western University

 photo credit: wuestenigel Lakeview via photopin (license)

Rising Up: A Graduate Students Conference March 9th- 10th University of Manitoba

Rising Up: A Graduate Students Conference on Indigenous Knowledge and Research in Indigenous Studies is an international gathering held annually.

The University of Manitoba Native Studies Graduate Students Association (NSGSA) is hosting the third annual two-day conference for all graduate students to lead the discussion across all disciplines and allow graduates to present their knowledge and research on March 9-10, 2018. Due to the interdisciplinary and international character, the Review Committee welcomes a comprehensive range of topics and approaches.

Keynote Speakers: This year’s conference is highlighted by the Friday keynote speaker, Adam Guadry, from the University of Alberta who will share the process of becoming successful in academia and how to publish.  On Saturday, Keynote Chantal Fiola from the University of Winnipeg will speak about her research in the Metis community. Saturday evening will be a screening of the documentary More than a Word prior to the Indigenous social.

“Rising Up” was conceived on the premise of bringing students and the grassroots community together. It is a free event and welcomes everybody. The event allows graduate students and community members to share their knowledge, present their research, network, and acquire critical feedback, while also discovering what other graduate students are doing in a related field of research.  

Where: University of Manitoba, Fort Garry Campus 220-224 UMSU University Centre

Submission of abstracts: The deadline for abstract submissions is currently December 29th, 2017 and can be sent online via http://www.risingup.online
Title: 120 character limit
Abstract: 250 words
Include: Authors first and last name, University, program or department, and email address

Acceptance: Abstracts will be accepted online, reviewed and notification provided on a rolling basis. Submissions should include a 4-5 sentence bio of author with preferred photograph for publication.

More Information – Rising Up call for papers 2018 October 26

 photo credit: Arlo Bates 2017 365 arlophotochallenge 222-365 via photopin (license)

Western University Graduate Symposium on Music

The Society of Graduate Students in Music at Western University presents:

Friday, August 25th – Saturday, August 26th 2017

Keynote Address:

Singing on the Piano: Clara Wieck-Schumann and the Keyboard Romance in the Early 19th Century

Dr. Julie Pedneault-Deslauriers
University of Ottawa
Saturday, August 26th at 3:00 pm.

Graduate Student Workshop :

Musical Instruments and Embodied Performance

Dr. Jonathan De Souza
Western University
August 25, 9:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m

Click here for the full Program.

CIHR – Meet the President

You are invited to an open session to meet with:

Dr. Roderick McInnes
Acting President, Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Monday, June 19th
10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Auditorium A, University Hospital

During the session you will have an opportunity hear about Dr. McInnes’ priorities, discuss recent changes at CIHR and ask your questions.

This session is open to all researchers, grant facilitators and graduate and postdoctoral trainees.

 photo credit: Mikal.Danielle Starwberries. via photopin (license)

Western’s Teaching Support Centre – Summer Programs

Professional development opportunities for graduate students with the Teaching Support Centre this summer:

Future Prof Workshops – Friday, June 9th 
UCC 147A/B

Developing Your Own Course – Aligning Outcomes and Assessments
9:15 am – 10:45 am
“A strong syllabus facilitates teaching and learning… [and creates] an organized and meaningful journey.” (Slattery & Carlson, 2005). Are you developing a new course? Join this hands-on workshop to discuss how learning outcomes provide the foundation for course development, and how well-aligned assessments and learning activities build a valuable course. Register

Communication of Science Concepts outside of the Bubble
11:00 am -12:30 pm
You may be interested in sharing your research interests to audiences outside of academia for personal, career, or even society’s benefit. With options for outreach abound (interviews, instagram, and innovative media, oh my!), how do you decide where to focus your efforts?   During this session, participants will consider the benefits of an outreach strategy and practice refining their message for any science communication activity using a versatile yet simple tool. Register

Academic and Professional Communication Series – Thursday, June 15th
UCC 56

The Academic Introduction 
9:00 am – 10:30 am
Join this session to learn effective introduction strategies and communicate “the one-minute research speech”. Participants will practice describing their research effectively, concisely, and discuss how their research perceived by others in the academic community. Register

Networking at Academic Conferences
10:45 am – 12:15 pm
Interacting with new people and developing connections and contacts for career purposes can be intimidating for some! Join this panel discussion to hear how other graduate students have made the most out of attending academic conferences. Panelists from disciplines across campus will share their experiences and provide concrete suggestions for successful networking. Panelists: Danielle Brewer-Deluce (Anatomy and Cell Biology), Kate Traill (English and Writing Studies), and Jantina Toxopeus (Biology). Register

The Art of Creating and Presenting Research Posters
1:00 pm – 2:15 pm
In this session we explore the key characteristics of research posters and learn about strategies used by experienced poster presenters. Bring a poster you have created (or are working on) and practice explaining your research to peers. Register

Netiquette: Communicating with Your Students
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
During this 90 minute workshop, participants will learn strategies they can use to help their undergraduate students communicate professionally. Our discussion will include examples of setting appropriate boundaries with students in online environments and responding to challenging student emails. Together, we will analyze several case studies in order to illustrate university policies around communicating with students. Register

Teaching Assistant Training Program (TATP) – June 20-22nd
Teaching Support Centre, Room 121
TATP is a hands-on, two-and-a-half- day program taught by current Teaching Assistants (TAs) and designed for new TAs embarking on their teaching careers. Details and Registration

 photo credit: A_Peach Flower pot via photopin (license)