Northern Scientific Training Program

The Western Northern Studies Committee invites you to apply for:

The Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP)

The Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP) provides funding for senior undergraduates and graduate students conducting research in the North. 

This is a supplementary grants program which was put in place to help defray the high costs of conducting fieldwork in the North and to encourage students to develop a commitment to northern research. Students must also have other sources of funds to be eligible. The program funds thesis-based research projects on northern topics from all disciplines and in multi-disciplinary fields.

 Online application forms are available at: You will need to Register to create a new account, or login with your existing username and password.

The deadline for applications is November 10, 2020. The application portal will close after the deadline.

Further information on the program is available in the information manual, which you can access on the NSTP Application and Reporting system website:

Tips to submitting a successful NSTP Application and frequently asked questions are attached.


The Program supports field research in any discipline – life, physical, human and health sciences – as long as the research has an essential orientation and impact on the North, and is part of the student’s thesis research.

Funding is available for ALL complete and eligible applications that are submitted from Western.  Typical awards are between $2000 and $3000, with a recommended maximum request of $4500.  Awards are intended to provide travel expenses for students already receiving research funding from another source (for example, a supervisor’s research grant).

The student must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and enrolled in a graduate or senior undergraduate program at a Canadian university.  The research must relate directly to their thesis (undergraduate honors, Masters or PhD) research. Part time students are eligible for NSTP funding.

A student who is employed or remunerated for their research in the field cannot receive NSTP.

Field schools are not eligible.

Geographic eligibility:  The research activity and travel must be north of the sporadic discontinuous permafrost line (approximately 50 deg N), ANYWHERE in the Northern Hemisphere.


IT IS EASY!  The application and statement of research require significantly less content and effort than NSERC, SSHRC or OGS!

Students must go online, create a profile and complete the online application form.  New supervisors will have to create a profile as well.  The forms for students and supervisors are available at:

Following the field season for which funding was provided, a brief report is required from the student through the online system. 

Please follow the instructions in the information manual on main page of the NSTP application system website. Incomplete or incorrectly formatted applications will be returned to the applicant for revision.  Applications received at the deadline that are incomplete or requiring changes may not be accepted.

Frequently Asked Questions


The deadline for completing the online application is 11:59 pm, November 10, 2020. The application portal will close after the deadline.

Please direct any questions to: Northern Studies Committee at

Research Recovery at Western – Phase 4

Research at Western is now in Phase 4 of COVID-19 recovery and all employees and students can be on campus as well as visitors including patients. Further, all ethics-approved studies can continue. The existing and on-going constraints include the limited proportional capacity of the campus, screening, research space cleaning, PPE and other strategies to mitigate virus transfer. Also, the guidelines regarding working remotely if that is possible remain in effect. 

Please see the attached document produced by Western’s Human Resources that provides guidance to the process of inviting campus visitors and the preparations they need to consider before coming onto campus.

More information…


Human Ethics – Interpretations related to Covid-19

On behalf of the Panel on Research Ethics, the Secretariat on Responsible Conduct of Research has shared new interpretations to support the community in applying the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans, TCPS 2 (2018) during the current COVID-19 publicly declared emergency. The interpretations can be found at this link.

Reminder – Mandatory Human Ethics Training for Western Researchers

This is a reminder that Western Research is implementing mandatory human research ethics training for all research team members, including faculty, librarians, archivists, students, postdoctoral scholars and staff listed on research projects submitted to the human research ethics boards at Western.

Confirmation of completion of human research ethics training must be uploaded and acknowledged by the Manager, Research Compliance Programs and Education prior to starting any study-related activities.

Deadline for new research projects:

All students listed on a new research project submitted to the human research ethics boards after October 1, 2020 must confirm completion of training by time of submission.

All faculty, librarians, archivists, staff and postdoctoral scholars listed on a new research project submitted to the human research ethics boards after January 1, 2021 must confirm completion of training by time of submission.

Deadline for existing research projects:

All students, faculty, librarians, archivists, postdoctoral scholars and staff on existing research projects must confirm completion of training by the time of submission of their Continuing Ethics Review (CER) between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021.

Training options: Training can be completed in a variety of different ways. To access training options, information about confirming completion through OWL and answers to frequently asked questions please visit the Human Research Ethics Workshops and Seminars page.

Please do not send your certificate of training via email. Your certificate should be uploaded in OWL as per the instructions in the links above. The Principal Investigator must also maintain a copy of the certificate for all study members as spot checks may be performed.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Grace Kelly, Manager, Research Compliance Programs and Education, 519-661-2111 x 84692.

Research Recovery Update: Phase 3

Phase 3 of recovery from the COVID-19 lockdown for Western University researchers will begin August 4

Phase 3 means that researchers can resume human participant research in an ordered and safe fashion.  

The next critical phase requires a higher level of vigilance in safe practice and oversight by faculty researchers of their research trainees and their human participants.

The addendum regarding the human participant research recovery strategy has been updated and is available at:

Western Research – Recovery Plan for Human Participants Studies

Western Research has released an addendum to its research recovery plan with guidelines for a phased in version of research recovery for human participant studies. This likely will occur in Phase 3 as defined by the Provincial Government although there is still a state of uncertainty on the timing of phases  and their duration.

photo credit: Onasill ~ Bill – 72.2 M Lake Placid – New York – MIrror Lake – Dog Taking a Dip on a Hot Day via photopin (license)

IDRC Research Awards 2021

Six positions are available at the International Development Research Centre (IDRC)’s head office in Ottawa, Canada.

Amount: up to $48,659

Deadline: September 16, 2020

Successful applicants will undertake a one-year paid program of research on the topic they selected for the competition and receive hands-on experience in research management, grant administration, and the creation, dissemination, and use of knowledge from an international perspective.

The proposed research must focus on one or more developing countries. These awards may be part of an academic requirement. The specific eligibility criteria of each research theme must be satisfied.

There is one call per theme listed below. You may choose only one of the following:

Applicants may apply for research in the following countries and territories, but if they are recommended for an award, their application may be subject to a further stage of approval within IDRC: Congo (Democratic Republic of), Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Lebanon, Maldives, Micronesia, Monserrat, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Sudan, Suriname, Tunisia, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, Zimbabwe, some small island states (including Comoros, São Tomé and Principe, Saint Helena, and Timor-Leste), and the Pacific Islands (Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis & Futuna).

Eligibility: Open to Canadians, permanent residents of Canada, and citizens of developing countries pursuing a master’s or a doctoral degree at a recognized university OR who have completed (within the last 3 years) a master’s or a doctoral degree at a recognized university.

More information and applications...

photo credit: HereIsTom Watergang, Odijk, Netherlands – 3505 via photopin (license)

Human Research Ethics COVID-19 Update

June 2, 2020

Given persisting public health recommendations to maintain social distancing and to adhere to other related safety precautions, Western University’s research ethics boards (REBs) encourage all researchers to exercise sound judgment and to speak to their Deans/Department Chairs or Chair/Chiefs and the REB when considering their research programs and specific ethics protocols.

On May 29, the Vice-President (Research) distributed a COVID-19 Research Recovery Plan that outlines Western’s four-phased plan for returning to campus. If you are considering restarting or initiating any on-campus, community-based or field research, you must first receive approval from your Dean or designated Department Chair or School Director (Western) or your Chair/Chiefs (Lawson).

During the early phases of the pandemic, the Office of Human Research Ethics updated its processes to address immediate and temporary changes needed to eliminate risks to participants using the FYI notification feature in WREM.

Changes no longer considered urgent or temporary to minimize participant risk must now be submitted as amendments for REB approval, including those initially submitted as FYI.

When considering submitting an amendment:

  • General modifications due to public safety guidelines do not require an amendment (e.g., standing two metres apart, wearing masks, etc.);
  • Changes to study procedures as a result of public safety guidelines will require an amendment (e.g., switching from an in-person focus group to individual interviews or online data collection);
  • Any additions of COVID-related inquiries to an existing study (e.g., additional questions/analyses) must be related to the original research questions/objectives; otherwise, please submit as a new REB application;

Modified study procedures may be carried out with REB approval when feasible, and only when appropriate. There may be instances when it is not appropriate to make a specific change (e.g., conducting in-person interviews about a sensitive topic and with a vulnerable population may not be appropriate to switch to online interviews; therefore, study activities may still have to be on hold until social distancing requirements are not required). Different considerations will be needed depending on the type of research and typical procedures for that study team. The logistics for any prospective research must be carefully considered.

For more information and some considerations to evaluate prior to submitting an REB application please see the full memo.

photo credit: Gamaliel E. M. No ez un covid mochiron via photopin (license)

Mandatory Training for Human Research at Western

Following campus-wide consultations, Western Research will be implementing mandatory human research ethics training for all study team members, including faculty, librarians, archivists, students, postdoctoral scholars and staff, beginning on the following dates:

  • All students (including undergraduate, Master’s, PhD, other) listed on new research projects submitted for review after October 1, 2020 must have completed training
  • All faculty, librarians, archivists, postdoctoral scholars and staff on new research projects submitted for review after January 1, 2021 must have completed training
  • All students, faculty, librarians, archivists, postdoctoral scholars and staff on existing research projects will need to confirm completion of training at the time of the submission of their Continuing Ethics Review (CER) between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021.

Training must be completed and acknowledged by the Manager, Research Compliance Programs and Education prior to starting any study-related activities.

Training Methods: Training can be completed in a variety of ways:

  • Tri-Council Policy Statement 2: Course on Research Ethics (CORE tutorial)
  • Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)
  • Completed at another university/institution*

To access training and information about uploading certificates, visit the Human Research Ethics workshops and seminar page.

This training requirement will take approximately three hours to complete, but can vary depending on the method of training you use.

Please do not send your certificate of training via email, this should be uploaded in OWL as per the instructions in the links above. The Principal Investigator must also maintain a copy of the certificate for all study members as spot checks may be performed.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Grace Kelly, Manager, Research Compliance Programs and Education, 519-661-2111 x 84692.

*Training completed at another university/institution may be considered and is at the discretion of the Manager, Research Compliance Programs and Education.

photo credit: Onasill ~ Bill Badzo – Toronto Ontario – Canada – Allan Gardens Conservatory – Toronto Tropical Garden – Orchid via photopin (license)

Western’s Research Recovery Plan

May 28, 2020

Western Research has distributed the COVID-19 Research Recovery Plan. The emphasis remains on the safety of the community while remaining flexible and prepared to return to an essential services model should situations with COVID-19 continue to change. 

If you do not need to be on campus, please continue to work off-site.

photo credit: Tim Lumley Breakfast Moose (Explored May 8, 2020) via photopin (license)