Northern Scientific Training Program

The Western Northern Studies Committee invites you to apply for:

The Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP)

The Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP) provides funding for senior undergraduates and graduate students conducting research in the North. 

This is a supplementary grants program which was put in place to help defray the high costs of conducting fieldwork in the North and to encourage students to develop a commitment to northern research. The program funds projects on northern topics from all disciplines and in multi-disciplinary fields.

 Online application forms are available at:

The deadline for applications is November 8, 2019. The application portal will close after the deadline.

Further information on the program is available at:

Answers to frequently asked questions are here:

CRITERIA and ELIGIBILITY:The Program supports field research in any discipline – life, physical, human and health sciences – as long as the research has an essential orientation and impact on the North.

Funding is available for ALL complete and eligible applications that are submitted from Western.  Typical awards are between $2000 and $3000, with a recommended maximum request of $4500.  Awards are intended to provide travel expenses for students already receiving research funding from another source (for example, a supervisor’s research grant).

The student must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and enrolled in a graduate or senior undergraduate (currently in 3rd or 4th year) program at a Canadian university.  Part time students are eligible for NSTP funding.

A student who is employed or remunerated for their research in the field cannot receive NSTP.

Field schools are not eligible.

Geographic eligibility:  The research activity and travel must be north of the sporadic discontinuous permafrost line (approximately 50 deg N), ANYWHERE in the Northern Hemisphere.

IT IS EASY!  The application and statement of research require significantly less content and effort than NSERC, SSHRC or OGS!

Students must go online, create a profile and complete the online application form.  New supervisors will have to create a profile as well.  The forms for students and supervisors are available at:

Following the field season for which funding was provided, a brief report is required from the student through the online system. 

Please follow the instructions in the student manual ( Incomplete or incorrectly formatted applications will be returned to the applicant for revision.  Applications received at the deadline that are incomplete or requiring changes may not be accepted.

The deadline for completing the online application is 11:59 pm, November 8, 2019. The application portal will close after the deadline.

Please direct any questions to: Northern Studies Committee at

photo credit: The Bone Collector II Ice Fog via photopin (license)

Open Access Week Events at Western Libraries

You are invited to participate in Open Access Week – a great opportunity to explore the benefits of open access and learn how to take advantage of open access publishing.

WorkshopBefore You Sign: Know Your Academic Publishing Rights
Tuesday, Oct. 22, 10:30 a.m.- Noon
Thursday, Oct. 24, 1:30-3 p.m.
Room 121, Centre for Teaching & Learning, The D.B. Weldon Library

This hands-on workshop empowers participants to understand and exercise their rights as authors. Attendees will have an opportunity to compare publication agreements, learn about tools and best practices for self-archiving, and explore open access publishing options.
Register now

WorkshopPutting Together Your Data Management Plan (DMP)
Tuesday, Oct. 22, 1:30-3 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 24, 10:30 a.m. – Noon
Instruction Room (Ground Floor, Map and Data Centre), The D.B. Weldon Library 

In this workshop, you will learn the basics of RDM best practices and receive hands-on assistance drafting a Data Management Plan using Portage’s DMP Assistant. You’ll leave empowered with knowledge of RDM best practices and a working document to guide you in quality research data collection.
Register now

Academic Panel – What’s the Big Deal about Open Access?
Oct. 23, 1:30-3 p.m.
Room 258, The D.B. Weldon Library

Open access to academic research is rapidly becoming the norm, not the exception. Join members of the Provost’s Task Force on Open Access and Scholarly Communication to hear their experiences and perspectives on open access. Come with questions about open access and thoughts on how Western can best use open access to share knowledge for the benefit of society.


  • Joyla Furlano, Vice-President, Society of Graduate Students, and PhD candidate in Neuroscience
  • Kristin Hoffmann, Research and Scholarly Communication Librarian, Western Libraries
  • Katina Pollock, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education
  • Sam Trosow, Associate Professor, Faculty of Information & Media Studies, and Faculty of Law

Film Screening – Paywall the Business of Scholarship
Oct. 25, 1:30-3:00, McKellar Room, UCC

Paywall: The Business of Scholarship is a documentary which focuses on the need for open access to research and science. The film questions the rationale behind the $25.2 billion a year that flows into for-profit academic publishers, examines the 35-40% profit margin associated with the top academic publisher, Elsevier, and looks at how that profit margin is often greater than some of the most profitable tech companies such as Apple, Facebook,  and Google.
Free popcorn!

Mitacs – Japan Summer Program

Mitacs is now accepting applications for the Mitacs-JSPS Summer Program, which supports researchers in Canada to undertake 10-week research projects in Japan in Summer 2020.

The program is open to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in all disciplines at Canadian academic institutions. The deadline to apply for the Mitacs-JSPS Summer Program is November 27, 2019.

If you have any questions about the Mitacs-JSPS summer program, contact

  • Open to: graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at Canadian universities in all disciplines
  • Citizenship: Canadian citizens and permanent residents
  • Funding: JSPS arranges round-trip airfare and insurance. Mitacs and JSPS provide an allowance for the student or postdoctoral fellow (equivalent to 534,000 yen in total). Host supervisors are eligible for a research support allowance.
  • Destination: universities and research institutes in Japan 
  • Project length: 10 weeks; June 9 – August 19 2020 (10 weeks). Dates are tentative and subject to change.

Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to read more about the program on the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) website

photo credit: Trey Ratcliff The Chaos of Tokyo via photopin (license)

Western Libraries Research Skills Workshops This Fall

Western Libraries is offering several workshops this fall that can help you better understand the scholarly publishing process, how to build and promote your scholarly identity, conduct a comprehensive systematic review, and make the most of data and geographical information in your research.

Upcoming Workshops:

  • Tips & Tools for Building and Promoting your Scholarly Identity
  • Getting Started with ORCID
  • Preparing to Publish 
  • Continuum of Data Access
  • Who Pays for Open Access?
  • Open Monographs: Options for Authors
  • Before You Sign: Know Your Academic Publishing Rights
  • Putting Together Your Data Management Plan (DMP)
  • How to Make a Map in QGIS
  • Storytelling with Maps
  • GIS Day

Session dates, Registration and more information…

If you have questions or require further information please contact Courtney Waugh,

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Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master’s

The Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s (CGS M) program provides financial support to high-calibre scholars who are engaged in eligible master’s programs in Canada.

Value: $17,500 for 12 months

Deadline: December 1, 2019

More information and application materials…

photo credit: Randy Durrum Backstreet in Pienza, Italy via photopin (license)

SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships

SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships support the most promising Canadian new scholars in the social sciences and humanities, and assist them in establishing a research base at an important time in their research careers.

The purpose of these fellowships is to provide stipendiary support to recent PhD graduates who are:

  • undertaking original research;
  • publishing research findings;
  • developing and expanding personal research networks;
  • broadening their teaching experience;
  • preparing for research-intensive careers within and beyond academia; and
  • preparing to become competitive in national research grant competitions.

Fellowships will normally be awarded to candidates affiliated with a university other than the one that awarded the PhD. SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship awards are tenable at Canadian or foreign universities and research institutions.

Amount: $45,000 per year for up to 2 years

Deadline: September 18, 2019

More information and link to applications….

photo credit: Brian Travelling Paradise Bay Scotland via photopin (license)

SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships and Canada Graduate Scholarships (Doctoral)

SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships provide support for individuals undertaking doctoral studies at Canadian or foreign universities. Application forms and instructions are now available.

Both the SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships and the Canada Graduate Scholarships—Doctoral Scholarships (CGS-D) are offered through a single annual national competition. Applicants should refer to the online descriptions for each award to determine their eligibility to apply to and hold each award, as there are notable differences. Applicants eligible for both the SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships and the CGS-D Scholarships will automatically be considered for both awards. Only one application is required for consideration of one or both awards.

SSHRC Doctoral: $20,000 per year for 12, 24, 36 or 48 months, up to a total of $80,000.

CGS-D: $35,000 per year (Canadian Institutions only)

Contact your faculty’s graduate office

photo credit: Chicago Man Mackinac Island Scene via photopin (license)

IDRC Research Awards

Eight positions are available at the International Development Research Centre (IDRC)’s head office in Ottawa, Canada.

Amount: up to $47,822

Deadline: September 18, 2019

Successful applicants will undertake a one-year paid program of research on the topic they selected for the competition and receive hands-on experience in research management, grant administration, and the creation, dissemination, and use of knowledge from an international perspective.

The proposed research must focus on one or more developing countries. These awards may be part of an academic requirement. The specific eligibility criteria of each research theme must be satisfied.

There is one call per theme listed below. You may choose only one of the following:
– Climate Change
– Disruptive technology
– Ethics in development research
– Food systems
– Development in fragile contexts
– Global health
– Innovations in education
– Policy and evaluation

Applicants may apply for research in the following countries and territories, but if they are recommended for an award, their application may be subject to a further stage of approval within IDRC: Afghanistan, Congo (Democratic Republic of), Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Maldives, Micronesia, Monserrat, Myanmar, Sudan, Suriname, Venezuela, West Bank and Gaza, Zimbabwe, some small island states (including Comoros, São Tomé and Principe, Saint Helena, Timor-Leste), and the Pacific Islands (Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis & Futuna).

Eligibility: Open to Canadians, permanent residents of Canada, and citizens of developing countries pursuing a master’s or a doctoral degree at a recognized university OR who have completed a master’s or a doctoral degree at a recognized university.

More information and applications...

photo credit: cseeman 16/366/4033 (June 27, 2019) – Fox Squirrels & Friends on a Summer Day at the University of Michigan – June 27th, 2019 via photopin (license)

Human Research Ethics Announcement – ROMEO Access Discontinued September 1, 2019

The Office of Human Research Ethics (OHRE) launched a new online REB application platform, Western Research Ethics Manager (WREM) on September 7th, 2017. This switch to a new system required 3 different phases that would migrate information from the old system, ROMEO, to WREM. Two of the three migration phases have been completed and the OHRE is now working with the vendor to complete the third and final migration phase. This final phase will consist of transferring all post-approval information for active studies (e.g., events, submission dates, and approval dates).

Please note that study documents and other communications will not be transferred and researchers are responsible for maintaining their own records of this information.

Since the launch of WREM, the ROMEO system has remained available to the research community for accessing their REB approved study documents.

However, as of September 1, 2019 ROMEO will no longer be accessible to the research community for any purpose. If you still have not securely uploaded your approved study documents from ROMEO to your secured network, please do so by August 31st.

More information about the final migration, including any potential WREM shutdown in order to allow for the successful data migration between the two systems, will be communicated to you once a set date is identified.

If you have any questions, please contact the office at or 519-661-3036.

photo credit: Avel-Breizh La vie de chateau via photopin (license)