Western Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2024

Western’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program awards funding to postdoctoral scholars who contribute to the stimulation of research, scholarship and creative activity across the institution.

Amount: minimum stipend of $60,000/year for 2 years (pending any association agreement changes) + benefits for 2 years + $5000/ year research allowance.

FIMS, DWFoM, Western Law Research Office Deadline: January 15, 2024 (submit to Karen Kueneman)
Other Faculties at Western: various dates

Description: The Western Postdoctoral Fellowships Program aspires to:

  • Attract diverse postdoctoral talent from a global candidate pool who will contribute positively to research excellence;
  • Enhance support for promising research programs;
  • Foster a vibrant and inclusive environment for scholars and position them for success as early career researchers.

Funding is available for a minimum of 10 awards for the 2024 competition. Each faculty will be awarded at least one fellowship. 

Eligibility: See the program guidelines for Postdoctoral Fellow eligibility.
Applicants must make their application paired with a supervising faculty member. Supervisors must hold a research-eligible position at Western. Applicants must secure written commitment of a qualified faculty member at Western who has the expertise, experience, and capacity to act as the Principal Supervisor of the Postdoctoral Fellow and their proposed project (see instructions for the “Supervisor’s Statement” attachment on the application form).

More information, eligibility requirements and applications

Western Research contact Internal Grants
Faculty Information contact Karen Kueneman

CIGI – Digital Policy Hub – Call for Applications for Fellowships

The Digital Policy Hub Program at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) will host a diverse group of emerging, innovative thinkers from the social and natural sciences, providing opportunities for them to further develop their own research, analytical and policy skills. The Hub, in partnership with universities, governments and the private sector, offers a highly collaborative space for undergraduate and graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and visiting fellows.

Research Focus Areas: The Hub’s research focus addresses the need for transdisciplinary understanding on governance issues across the range of technologies and digitalization, centering on digital ethics and rights frameworks that assist in identifying and mitigating the gaps between rapid technological disruption and diffusion, and the lack of governance frameworks at the national and international levels.

  • Data, economy and society;
  • Artificial intelligence;
  • Outer space;
  • Digitalization, security and democracy; and
  • The environment and natural resources.

Eligibility: Canadian, permanent resident and international undergraduate and graduate students based at a Canadian academic institution who are legally authorized to work in Canada can apply. Recent graduates with a doctorate are encouraged to apply as post-doctoral fellows.

Deadline: The deadline for applications to be considered for the January 2024 cohort is Friday, September 22nd, 2023.

Amount: Hub fellows are fully funded while still available to use up to 50 percent of their time to pursue research. The program will see fellows spend periods ranging from four months to two years in residence.

  • Undergraduate: $22.29–$25.52/hour (depending on the candidate’s current year of study).
  • Master’s: $42,000 annually/pro-rated
  • Ph.D.: $52,000 annually/pro-rated
  • Post-Doctoral: $60,000 annually/pro-rated

More information and application details: https://www.cigionline.org/careers/digital-policy-hub-call-for-applications/?utm_source=cigi_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=brics-path-ahead-is-unchanged-technology

SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships

SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships support the most promising Canadian new scholars in the social sciences and humanities, and assist them in establishing a research base at an important time in their research careers.

Amount: $45,000 per year over one or two years

Deadline: September 14, 2022

The purpose of these fellowships is to provide stipendiary support to recent PhD graduates who are:

  • undertaking original research;
  • publishing research findings;
  • developing and expanding personal research networks;
  • broadening their teaching experience;
  • preparing for research-intensive careers within and beyond academia; and
  • preparing to become competitive in national research grant competitions.

SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship awards are tenable at Canadian or foreign universities and research institutions.

Eligibility: applicants must be a citizen or permanent resident of Canada

More information and applications…

Western Postdoctoral Fellowships Program

The Western Postdoctoral Fellowships Program is administered by Western Research.

ROLA: November 5 (completed by faculty supervisor)
Western Research: November 9

Description: Western’s Postdoctoral Fellowships Program provides funding to the very best postdoctoral applicants who will contribute positively to research excellence at the university and help advance Western’s strategic research plan.   The Postdoctoral Fellowships Program’s objectives are to:

  • Attract top-tier postdoctoral talent, nationally and internationally;
  • Develop their leadership potential; and
  • Position them for success as tomorrow’s research leaders.

Applicants to the Postdoctoral Fellowships Program must make their application paired with a supervising faculty member.  

Up to 11 Fellowships are available for the 2021 competition. Each faculty and school will be allocated a minimum of one Fellowship.

Amount: Fellowships will provide a minimum stipend of $45,000/year plus benefits for two years. Western Research will contribute up to 50 per cent of the Fellowship costs. The host faculty and/or supervising faculty member are responsible for securing the remaining 50 per cent of costs. For further details, see program guidelines

Through a partnership with the Office of Indigenous Initiatives, and in support of the goals of Western’s Indigenous Strategic Plan, at least one of the Fellowships awarded will be an Indigenous Postdoctoral Fellowship. Eligible applicants for the Indigenous Postdoctoral Fellowship are those who self-identify as Indigenous, who will be supervised by an Indigenous faculty member, or who will conduct Indigenous Research during the Fellowship.

Matching funds for an Indigenous Postdoctoral Fellowship will not be required from the faculty or supervisor and will be provided by the Office of the Provost & Vice-President Academic. Details are provided in the program guidelines.

Eligibility: See the program guidelines for Postdoctoral Fellow eligibility.
Supervisors must hold a research-eligible position at Western. Applicants must secure written commitment of a qualified faculty member at Western who has the expertise, experience, and capacity to act as the Principal Supervisor of the Postdoctoral Fellow and their proposed project (see instructions for the “Supervisor’s Statement” attachment on the application form).

More Information and Applications: The application form and program guidelines, including further information around eligibility, matching funds, and the application process, are available on the Western Postdoctoral Fellowships Program page.

Questions: contact intgrant@uwo.ca

Research Impact – Workshop

Attendees are welcome to join this interactive, hands-on workshop to learn how they can use both InCites and Web of Science to find indicators to describe their research impact.

The workshop will introduce productivity, uptake and spread indicators that can be used to demonstrate their research expertise, team expertise and scholarly contributions in grant applications, promotion and tenure applications, award nominations and many more!

Open to interested postdoctoral scholars and graduate students, this workshop will be held virtually on May 5, 2021.

More information and registration…

New Program at the Africa Institute

Western’s Africa Institute has launched The Canada-Africa Young Scholars Coalition (CAYSC) whose membership will include undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and other trainees of African heritage or identity from across Canada, as well as allies.

Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars are invited to become members of the CAYSC. More information available at The Wire.

NEW Mitacs Program – Scotiabank Economic Resilience Research Fund

Mitacs has partnered with Scotiabank on a new initiative to help charities and not for profit organizations access the Accelerate program to fund research internships that increase the understanding of the factors that drive economic resilience in communities across Canada.

To further the understanding of economic resilience, Scotiabank and Mitacs have launched the the Scotiabank Economic Resilience Research Fund (SERRF).

The SERRF has been launched to support research projects in three key focus areas that are central to the newly launched ScotiaRISE initiative:

  • Accelerate newcomer integration

Proposed research projects will target newcomers to Canada (in past three years) including immigrants, refugees, and temporary foreign workers to help fast track meaningful employment for newcomers to the country. Integration essentials might include language, culture and life -skills, training help qualifying for and finding employment, and support networks.

  • Increase high school graduation and post-secondary participation in education

Proposed research projects will target disadvantaged populations, including Canadian Indigenous communities and at-risk youth to ultimately facilitate a higher rate of high school graduation and post-secondary participation. Post-secondary education is defined broadly, to include university, college, and trades programs

  • Remove barriers to career advancement

Proposed research projects will be targeted to support women, the BIPOC community (black, Indigenous and people of colour) and other equity- seeking groups (e.g., persons with disability, veterans, LGBTQ, etc.) to determine how to remove barriers to meaningful employment, reduce the gaps in leadership representation, and find solutions to career entry and advancement.


  • Full-time graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at Mitacs partner colleges and universities in Canada 
  • Students must have a supervisor at their academic institution who is willing to supervise them on this project and administer the funds through the institution
  • Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and international students over the age of 18
  • All academic disciplines 

Amount: Successful projects will receive up to $16,250 in funding from Scotiabank and Mitacs to support a four to six-month Mitacs Accelerate internship. This funding from the SERRF will reduce the required partner contribution to the project from $7500 to $3750.  

Deadline: This opportunity is time limited and interested projects must submit an Expression of Interest by February 11, 2021.

More information: Please contact Wilson Luo (wluo@mitacs.ca)

Mitacs Elevate – PostDoc Program

Mitacs Elevate is now accepting proposal submissions for two years of postdoc funding valued at $60,000/year plus extensive customized professional development training ($7,500/year non-cash value).

Postdocs will:

  • Manage a long-term collaborative research project with a company or not-for-profit
  • Develop business-ready skills in leadership, financial literacy, management and negotiation, project management, problem solving and much more

June 10, 2020 — Deadline to submit draft application for pre-review and (if applicable) conflict of interest declaration at 5 p.m. PT
July 22, 2020 — Deadline to submit full application at 5 p.m. PT

For questions or more information, please contact Mitacs at elevate@mitacs.ca.
Mitacs recognizes that due to the pandemic and the uncertainties it’s created, you may be operating with limited ability to plan future research projects. If you feel that you cannot submit an Elevate proposal at this time due to the pandemic, please reach out to elevate@mitacs.ca.

photo credit: @jbedrina 140721 via photopin (license)

Canadian Science Policy Fellowships

The Canadian Science Policy Fellowship is now accepting applications from prospective fellows interested in undertaking a year-long policy position within a Canadian government host office beginning in September 2020. 

Amount: $70,000 – $80,000 salary (one year)
Eligible applicants must:

  • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident*
  • Hold a PhD in any academic discipline at the start of the fellowship
  • Participate full-time in a 12-month fellowship at the host office
  • Secure accommodation in the host city, and relocate to their host office as needed
  • Negotiate a leave of absence from their current employer, as applicable

The 2020 cohort of fellowships will begin in September 2020. Approved fellows receive remuneration from their host offices as well as professional development training and networking events facilitated by Mitacs.

Applications will be accepted until February 5, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. PT. For more information, please visit the Canadian Science Policy Fellowship or contact policyfellowship@mitacs.ca.

*Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status is required to obtain a security clearance with a host office to begin a fellowship. Specific citizenship requirements will vary by host office. All applicants must have Canadian citizenship or permanent residency prior to the start of the interview process (May 2020).

Mitacs – Japan Summer Program

Mitacs is now accepting applications for the Mitacs-JSPS Summer Program, which supports researchers in Canada to undertake 10-week research projects in Japan in Summer 2020.

The program is open to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in all disciplines at Canadian academic institutions. The deadline to apply for the Mitacs-JSPS Summer Program is November 27, 2019.

If you have any questions about the Mitacs-JSPS summer program, contact international@mitacs.ca.

  • Open to: graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at Canadian universities in all disciplines
  • Citizenship: Canadian citizens and permanent residents
  • Funding: JSPS arranges round-trip airfare and insurance. Mitacs and JSPS provide an allowance for the student or postdoctoral fellow (equivalent to 534,000 yen in total). Host supervisors are eligible for a research support allowance.
  • Destination: universities and research institutes in Japan 
  • Project length: 10 weeks; June 9 – August 19 2020 (10 weeks). Dates are tentative and subject to change.

Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to read more about the program on the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) website

photo credit: Trey Ratcliff The Chaos of Tokyo via photopin (license)