Western Libraries Workshops

Western Libraries is offering several workshops next week. Slides and session recordings will be shared with registrants. 

Introduction to Open Educational Resources
 Tuesday, November 9 at 10:30am  

Description: Open Educational Resources (OER) offer an accessible and engaging alternative to commercial textbooks and course materials. OER are educational materials (like textbooks, streaming media, simulations, and more) that are free of cost and access barriers for learners. They are also editable and adaptable, meaning that they can be customized to suit your course content. Join this workshop to learn: 

  • The basics of Open Education and Open Educational Resources, including their benefits to the teaching and learning experience 
  • How to identify Open Educational Resources with Creative Commons Licenses 
  • How to get started with finding, adapting, or creating Open Educational Resources (and where to get support with doing so) 

Register here  


Literature Searching for Systematic and Scoping Reviews 
Tuesday, November 9 at 10:30am 

Description: This interactive workshop introduces methods for systematically searching the literature, including identifying key databases and developing a thorough search strategy. Tips and tricks in the major databases will also be demonstrated. Leave knowing: 

  • How to identify and search key research databases 
  • How to apply advanced searching techniques 
  • How to develop a search strategy for your own research question 

Register here 


Understanding your Research Impact 
Wednesday, November 10 at 1:30pm 

 Description: Research impact refers to demonstrating how your research is contributing to your field, to the academy at large, or to the community. In this session you’ll learn about tools for demonstrating the impact and reach of your research. We will explore the benefits and pitfalls of impact metrics such as impact factors, h-index, citation counts, and altmetrics. We will also talk about how an ORCID iD profile can ensure that you receive consistent, reliable attribution for your work. Session outcomes:  

  • Understand key research metrics and altmetrics Learn about different tools to use to find metrics 
  • Be aware of the implications of using impact metrics 
  • Learn how an ORCID iD can help demonstrate research impact 

Register here 

Western Libraries -NVivo Workshop

NVivo Introductory Workshop

November 9, 2021, 1:30 p.m.

Interested in digital qualitative research? Join the library for a webinar on getting started with NVivo. Learn about the capabilities of this popular analysis package, how to set up a project and import different kinds of data, and start coding. NVivo is a tool for organizing, managing and analyzing qualitative data. This introductory session will provide an overview of NVivo’s capabilities and demonstrate how to use it to get started on a qualitative research project.

Session outcomes:

  • Learn about the features and functionality of NVivo
  • Set data files up for autocoding and import
  • Create an NVivo project and import different types of data
  • Organize and classify files and cases
  • Code data and create notes and memos
  • Run queries and create charts
  • Plan a content analysis

Register for this online workshop here.

Access to NVivo software is not essential but may be helpful if you want to follow along. A trial version of the software may be downloaded here.

Questions / More information: Contact Kristi Thompson, kthom67@uwo.ca

Western Libraries – Upcoming Research Workshop: Data Handling in Excel

Basic Data Handling with Excel

Thursday, Oct 21, 2021
1:30 pm
Via Zoom

This session will introduce some of the basics of setting up and managing data for a research project, including planning a data project, file organization and documentation, setting up data for analysis in Excel. You will also learn some handy Excel data tips like pivot tables.

More information and registration:http://www.events.westernu.ca/events/libraries/2021-10/basic-data-handling-excel.html

Human Research Ethics: Video Resources

The Office of Human Research Ethics has a new recorded video and handout for education around human ethics:

Conducting ethical human research: The ABCs

Are you a student conducting research with human participants (incl. their data and/or biological material)? Are you interested in conducting research with humans (incl. the use of human data and/or biological material) in the future? If so, learn about the principles of research ethics and a few practical tips that will help you.

Resources (requires Office365 login)

Research Impact – Workshop

Attendees are welcome to join this interactive, hands-on workshop to learn how they can use both InCites and Web of Science to find indicators to describe their research impact.

The workshop will introduce productivity, uptake and spread indicators that can be used to demonstrate their research expertise, team expertise and scholarly contributions in grant applications, promotion and tenure applications, award nominations and many more!

Open to interested postdoctoral scholars and graduate students, this workshop will be held virtually on May 5, 2021.

More information and registration…

Publishing Fees Workshop – Western Libraries

Western Libraries is offering two workshops on publishing fees:  

Ins and Outs of Publishing Fees  

Have you been asked to pay an article processing charge or other fee to publish your work in a journal? Learn why these fees exist, how you can publish without a fee, and what discounts and fee waivers are available to you as a researcher at Western, including new waiver programs with PLOS and SAGE publishers.

This workshop will be of particular interest to faculty, but staff, undergraduate, and graduate students are also welcome to attend.  

Leave knowing:

  • Types of journals that charge publishing fees
  • Options for paying publishing fees
  • Options for publishing without a fee

NVivo Workshop from Western Libraries

Introduction to Qualitative Analysis with NVivo

Tuesday, Feb 23, 2021
1:00 – 2:30 pm
Via Zoom

Interested in digital qualitative research? Join Western Libraries for a webinar on getting started with NVivo. Learn about the capabilities of this popular analysis package, how to set up a project and import different kinds of data, and start coding. NVivo is a tool for organizing, managing and analyzing qualitative data. This introductory session will provide an overview of NVivo’s capabilities and demonstrate how to use it to get started on a qualitative research project.

Session outcomes:

  • Learn about the features and functionality of NVivo
  • Set data files up for autocoding and import
  • Create an NVivo project and import different types of data
  • Organize and classify files and cases
  • Code data and create notes and memos
  • Run queries and create charts
  • Plan a content analysis

Register for this online workshop here.

Access to NVivo software is not essential but may be helpful if you want to follow along. A trial version of the software may be downloaded here. Sample data files will be sent out with the link to access the workshop.

Western’s Open Access Task Force Consultations

Open access (OA) refers to freely available, digital, online information. Open access scholarly literature is free of charge and often carries less restrictive copyright and licensing barriers than traditionally published works, for both the users and the authors. 

You are invited to share your thoughts about Western’s Open Access and Scholarly Communications, as the Provost’s Task Force begins its consultations for the development of a university-wide open access policy.

Thursday February 11that 1:30 p.m. –http://www.events.westernu.ca/events/libraries/2021-02/open-access-policy.html

Thursday February 25that 10:30 a.m.–http://www.events.westernu.ca/events/libraries/2021-02/open-access-policy-feb25.html

(A Western ID is required to attend these online consultations; no pre-registration necessary)

Building upon the previous work of the task force, at these sessions you will learn about institutional policy options and considerations for Western. The Task Force wants to hear your questions about open access policies, your perceptions of the benefits or any concerns you have about a Western open access policy, and your specific recommendations for this type of policy at Western. Input from Western’s faculty, researchers, and all members of the university community will help shape the future of Open Access at Western.

Western Libraries Research Skills Workshops

Western Libraries is offering a series of free Research Skills Workshops to help you navigate scholarly publishing, access data sources including social media and COVID data, systematic reviews, geospatial tools and analysis (GIS), reference management tools and more! 

To Register

Degrees of Success: Exploring the challenges and lived experiences of PhD students and recent graduates

Join the Council of Canadian Academies (CCA) for:

Degrees of Success: Exploring the challenges and lived experiences of PhD students and recent graduates and their entries into the workforce

12 p.m. (EST) on February 4, 2021


Elizabeth Cannon O.C., PhD, FRSC, FCAE
Emerita President and Vice-Chancellor at the University of Calgary
and Chair of the Expert Panel on Labour Market Transition of PhD Graduates

The findings from the CCA’s latest report, Degrees of Success will be presented at the 58th annual Canadian Association of Graduate Students Conference (CAGS). The presentation will be followed by an interactive Q&A moderated by Eric M. Meslin PhD, FRSC, FCAHS, President and CEO of the Council of Canadian Academies.

The report describes how Canada could be sitting on a significant untapped resource, as the number of PhD holders in this country rises, but persistent barriers make it hard for them to put their skills to work. PhD graduates play a critical role in the Canadian economy, but many are missing out on important opportunities to contribute their expertise and bolster growth and innovation.

While the CAGS conference is a paid event, this session is available at no cost. Registration is required – REGISTER