SSHRC’s Storytellers Challenge

SSHRC’s Storytellers Challenge invites postsecondary students to show Canadians, in up to three minutes or 300 words, how social sciences and humanities research is affecting our lives, our world and our future for the better. Create a video or audio clip of up to three minutes or a text or infographic of up to 300 words featuring a research project or initiative funded by SSHRC and carried out at Western. Your story must be compelling, creative and clear.

Eligibility: Must be a Canadian resident 19 years of age or older. Must be enrolled at a Canadian postsecondary institution.

Deadline: Tuesday, January 16, 2024, 8:00 p.m. (eastern).

Phase 1
Twenty (20) Applicants in Phase 1 are eligible to receive $3,000 in exchange for SSHRC’s right to use their successful submission as marketing-communications content on SSHRC’s platforms (e.g., website, social media channels). The winning applicants of Phase 1 will be considered the 20 finalists. The finalists will be expected to attend an online research communications workshop organized by SSHRC (to be made available in English and French) before finalists present to the jury and to the Storytellers Showcase audience in Phase 2. Finalists will be responsible for their travel and accommodation costs. SSHRC will encourage Finalists’ institutions to support travel and accommodation costs.

Phase 2
From among the Phase 2 submissions, five (5) Phase 2 submissions will be selected as final winners. The final winners will receive an additional $1,000, in exchange for SSHRC’s right to use their winning submission as marketing-communications collateral.

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