Graduate Research Awards for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation 2020-2021

Graduate Research Awards for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation are offered by The Simons Foundation Canada and the International Security Research and Outreach Programme (ISROP) of Global Affairs Canada (GAC).

Amount: $5,000 – A total of four awards are available to Canadian Master’s and/or Doctoral candidates to support the independent research and writing of an academic paper responding to a specific Non-Proliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament (NACD) topic.   Awards also include domestic travel support to Ottawa where successful candidates will present their completed papers during a special event at Global Affairs Canada Headquarters in Fall 2021 (TBC).

Deadline: Complete applications must be received by the close of business (PDT) on March 15, 2021 and should be sent to Elaine Hynes at The Simons Foundation Canada by email to:

Applications must include:

  • Your resume, including proof of citizenship status.
  • A complete, official transcript of your grades (including undergrad).  Electronic copies of official transcripts are acceptable.
  • An academic paper (approx. 1,500 words, MLA format) responding to one of the specific Non-Proliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament topics shown at the link below.

Eligibility: This competition is open to Canadian citizens and Canadian permanent residents/landed immigrants currently enrolled in a graduate programme.  In order to expand the community of Canadian scholars working on non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament (NACD) issues, employees of Global Affairs Canada, and previous recipients of a Graduate Research Award are not eligible.

Applications and more information: OR ISROP

Awards are offered by The Simons Foundation Canada and the International Security Research and Outreach Programme (ISROP) of Global Affairs Canada (GAC) with a primary objective to enhance Canadian graduate level scholarship on disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation issues.

NEW Mitacs Program – Scotiabank Economic Resilience Research Fund

Mitacs has partnered with Scotiabank on a new initiative to help charities and not for profit organizations access the Accelerate program to fund research internships that increase the understanding of the factors that drive economic resilience in communities across Canada.

To further the understanding of economic resilience, Scotiabank and Mitacs have launched the the Scotiabank Economic Resilience Research Fund (SERRF).

The SERRF has been launched to support research projects in three key focus areas that are central to the newly launched ScotiaRISE initiative:

  • Accelerate newcomer integration

Proposed research projects will target newcomers to Canada (in past three years) including immigrants, refugees, and temporary foreign workers to help fast track meaningful employment for newcomers to the country. Integration essentials might include language, culture and life -skills, training help qualifying for and finding employment, and support networks.

  • Increase high school graduation and post-secondary participation in education

Proposed research projects will target disadvantaged populations, including Canadian Indigenous communities and at-risk youth to ultimately facilitate a higher rate of high school graduation and post-secondary participation. Post-secondary education is defined broadly, to include university, college, and trades programs

  • Remove barriers to career advancement

Proposed research projects will be targeted to support women, the BIPOC community (black, Indigenous and people of colour) and other equity- seeking groups (e.g., persons with disability, veterans, LGBTQ, etc.) to determine how to remove barriers to meaningful employment, reduce the gaps in leadership representation, and find solutions to career entry and advancement.


  • Full-time graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at Mitacs partner colleges and universities in Canada 
  • Students must have a supervisor at their academic institution who is willing to supervise them on this project and administer the funds through the institution
  • Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and international students over the age of 18
  • All academic disciplines 

Amount: Successful projects will receive up to $16,250 in funding from Scotiabank and Mitacs to support a four to six-month Mitacs Accelerate internship. This funding from the SERRF will reduce the required partner contribution to the project from $7500 to $3750.  

Deadline: This opportunity is time limited and interested projects must submit an Expression of Interest by February 11, 2021.

More information: Please contact Wilson Luo (

COVID-19 Data – Research Workshop from Western Libraries

Are you doing research on COVID-19?

Are you interested in learning more about the data being collected on the pandemic?

Join Western’s data librarians as they review sources of COVID-19 data. This workshop will have two areas of focus. Librarians will highlight available COVID-19 data dashboards and the sources they use, looking at data accessibility, reliability of the data, and how it is displayed. They will also review surveys, patient data, and social data collected to evaluate the impacts of the pandemic on people’s health and their social and economic well-being, looking at key Canadian and international datasets that have been shared for reuse.

Thursday, January 28, 2021
10:00 – 11:00 am

Register by Wednesday, January 27 for this online workshop here.

2021 Canadian Japanese Mennonite Scholarship – Human Rights

Every year Mennonite Central Committee Canada, in partnership with the National Association of Japanese Canadians, offers the Canadian Japanese Mennonite scholarship to a student enrolled in a graduate degree program that is engaged in research concerning human rights in Canada.

Amount: $2,000

Deadline: April 1, 2021


  • Enrolled in a graduate program the fall of the following year
  • A Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or international student studying at a Canadian university in Canada
  • Doing research that will help protect minority or human rights in Canada

More information and applications at

Mandatory Human Ethics Training – Reminder

Western Research has implemented mandatory human research ethics training for all study team members. This includes faculty, librarians, archivists, students, postdoctoral scholars and staff listed on new submissions to Western’s human research ethics boards.

Proof of completion of one of the acceptable options for training must be uploaded and acknowledged by the Manager, Research Compliance Programs and Education, prior to starting any study-related activities.


NEW research projects: As of January 1, 2021, all students, faculty, librarians, archivists, staff and postdoctoral scholars listed on new research projects submitted to the human research ethics boards must confirm completion of training prior to beginning any study-related activities.

EXISTING research projects: All students, faculty, librarians, archivists, postdoctoral scholars and staff on existing research projects must confirm completion of training by the time of submission of their Continuing Ethics Review (CER), between January 1 and December 31, 2021.

To access acceptable options for training, information about confirming completion through OWL and answers to frequently asked questions, please visit the human research ethics workshops and seminars page.

Please do not send your certificate of training via email. Your certificate should be uploaded in OWL as per the instructions on the Workshops and Seminars page. As spot checks may be performed, principal investigators must also maintain copies of certificates for all study members.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Grace Kelly, Manager, Research Compliance Programs and Education, 519-661-2111 ext. 84692.

Western Research – Red Zone Guidelines for Research

Middlesex-London has moved to Red (control) level of the COVID-19 response framework, effective Monday, December 14, 2020. As a reminder, research-related guidelines for this Phase are copied below:

Red: All animal, bench and remote research continues. Human face-to-face as per Yellow phase but restrictions now include studies requiring high ventilation rates (e.g., heavy exercise) and exercise training models. Exceptions for critical research must receive decanal support. Examples of issues to consider in adjudicating critical research include COVID-specific studies, student progress, industrial contracts, clinical trials with large investments, etc. Field research must receive approvals from Western (decanal and VPR office) and the research site. Continue contact tracing for all people entering research areas. 

Please ensure that all research activities adhere to current physical distancing and PPE recommendations.

Please continue to be vigilant within your research spaces and do not hesitate to address questions to your Dean, Associate Dean (Research), and/or department delegate. You may also wish to visit Western’s Frequently Asked Questions and to refamiliarize yourself with the Research Recovery Plan.

Western Research COVID-19 Update December 4, 2020

The Province of Ontario has announced that the Middlesex-London Health Unit will move to the Orange Restricted level of Ontario’s COVID-19 Response Framework effective Monday, December 7, 2020.  This level of restriction includes enhanced public health measures and that information can be found here:

However, note that this shift in public health measures and restrictions will not affect current research guidelines, activities or restrictions. The current guidelines can be found here: 

Please continue to adhere to the safety standards established for our research areas and initiatives, ensuring the safety of all research personnel and stakeholders.  

REACH Mentorship/ Residency for the Arts

The REACH Mentorship/Residency for the Arts has up to $25,000 in
funding for individual artists from the Ukrainian-Canadian community or artists whose work has a connection to Ukrainian heritage.

Funding is available for: Mentorship • Residency • Internship • Training • Workshop • Research

More information:

Deadline: February 1, 2021

2021 Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarships

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholarship Program will help shape researchers into engaged leaders who are conscious of the impact of their research, connected to the realities of the communities in which they work, and open to non-conventional forms of knowledge. The Foundation is seeking candidates who are audacious, original, and forward-thinking. The Scholarship includes a stipend, and a research and travel allowance.

NEW THIS YEAR! Interested students apply directly to the Foundation. In the past, universities selected a shortlist of nominees, a step that will no longer be part of the process in 2021.

The deadline for students to apply directly to the Foundation is January 5, 2021 11:59pm EST


  • Must be already accepted into, or currently enrolled in, year one, two, or three of a full-time doctoral program in the humanities or social sciences (broadly defined; please see the FAQ for more details on this 
  • Doctoral work must relate to at least one of the Foundation’s Four Themes: Human Rights and Dignity, Responsible Citizenship, Canada and the World, People and their Natural Environment
  • Must be a Canadian citizen studying at a Canadian or foreign institution, or a non-Canadian (permanent resident or foreign national) enrolled in a doctoral program at a Canadian institution

Application: A step-by-step guide on applying for the Scholarship is available on the Foundation’s website

Contact: Please direct all inquiries about this competition and eligibility to apply to the Foundation at