Graduate Research Awards for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation 2020-2021

Graduate Research Awards for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation are offered by The Simons Foundation Canada and the International Security Research and Outreach Programme (ISROP) of Global Affairs Canada (GAC).

Amount: $5,000 – A total of four awards are available to Canadian Master’s and/or Doctoral candidates to support the independent research and writing of an academic paper responding to a specific Non-Proliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament (NACD) topic.   Awards also include domestic travel support to Ottawa where successful candidates will present their completed papers during a special event at Global Affairs Canada Headquarters in Fall 2021 (TBC).

Deadline: Complete applications must be received by the close of business (PDT) on March 15, 2021 and should be sent to Elaine Hynes at The Simons Foundation Canada by email to:

Applications must include:

  • Your resume, including proof of citizenship status.
  • A complete, official transcript of your grades (including undergrad).  Electronic copies of official transcripts are acceptable.
  • An academic paper (approx. 1,500 words, MLA format) responding to one of the specific Non-Proliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament topics shown at the link below.

Eligibility: This competition is open to Canadian citizens and Canadian permanent residents/landed immigrants currently enrolled in a graduate programme.  In order to expand the community of Canadian scholars working on non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament (NACD) issues, employees of Global Affairs Canada, and previous recipients of a Graduate Research Award are not eligible.

Applications and more information: OR ISROP

Awards are offered by The Simons Foundation Canada and the International Security Research and Outreach Programme (ISROP) of Global Affairs Canada (GAC) with a primary objective to enhance Canadian graduate level scholarship on disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation issues.

Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Awards

The CFUW  provides funds for a range of post graduate awards and fellowships to women.

Amount: Varies by award

Deadline: December 14, 2020

Eligibility: Women; Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident in Canada

List of Awards…

Note: There is a “filing fee” for each application.

IDRC Research Awards 2021

Six positions are available at the International Development Research Centre (IDRC)’s head office in Ottawa, Canada.

Amount: up to $48,659

Deadline: September 16, 2020

Successful applicants will undertake a one-year paid program of research on the topic they selected for the competition and receive hands-on experience in research management, grant administration, and the creation, dissemination, and use of knowledge from an international perspective.

The proposed research must focus on one or more developing countries. These awards may be part of an academic requirement. The specific eligibility criteria of each research theme must be satisfied.

There is one call per theme listed below. You may choose only one of the following:

Applicants may apply for research in the following countries and territories, but if they are recommended for an award, their application may be subject to a further stage of approval within IDRC: Congo (Democratic Republic of), Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Lebanon, Maldives, Micronesia, Monserrat, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Sudan, Suriname, Tunisia, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, Zimbabwe, some small island states (including Comoros, São Tomé and Principe, Saint Helena, and Timor-Leste), and the Pacific Islands (Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis & Futuna).

Eligibility: Open to Canadians, permanent residents of Canada, and citizens of developing countries pursuing a master’s or a doctoral degree at a recognized university OR who have completed (within the last 3 years) a master’s or a doctoral degree at a recognized university.

More information and applications...

photo credit: HereIsTom Watergang, Odijk, Netherlands – 3505 via photopin (license)

(IDRC) Doctoral Research Awards 2020

Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) assists Canadian graduate students to undertake their thesis research in the field of international development. IDRC Doctoral Research Awards are intended to promote the growth of Canadian and developing-country capacity in research on sustainable and equitable development from an international perspective.

Amount: up to $20,000

Deadline: June 17, 2020

Doctoral Research Awards support research aligned with IDRC’s mandate and thematic priorities.

Your field research must be relevant to one of six development outcome areas to which IDRC aims to contribute through its work. These are:

  • Health equity
  • Inclusive governance
  • Sustainable and inclusive growth
  • Climate resilience and sustainable food systems
  • Inclusive education
  • Strong science and innovation systems

Eligibility: Open to Canadians, permanent residents of Canada, and citizens of developing countries pursuing doctoral studies at a Canadian university.

More information…

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International Policy Ideas Challenge 2020 – Call for proposals

Global Affairs Canada, in collaboration with the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), is pleased to announce the fifth edition of the International Policy Ideas Challenge.  The objective of the program is to draw on the network of talented Canadian graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and early-career civil society researchers to identify concrete, innovative solutions to emerging international policy challenges faced by Canada.

The program offers applicants a chance to test their skills at translating academic expertise into policy language and insights. Applicants are invited to submit brief proposals. Ten winners will be given several months to consult with Global Affairs Canada “client” divisions and further develop their proposals into longer policy briefs, which will then be presented to Government of Canada officials in a day-long Ideas Symposium, hosted by Global Affairs Canada in Ottawa in late Fall 2020.

Deadline: Extended to May 15, 2020 April 17, 2020

Amount: Ten winning proposals will receive $3,000 each

More information and applications….

Questions about this call, please contact Global Affairs Canada at:

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Western Humanitarian Award

This award recognizes faculty, staff, and students at Western, who are engaged in a range of efforts directed towards improving the quality of life for individuals and communities around the world.  Preference will be given to the recognition of activities undertaken by the candidate that have current or potential international impact.

Amount: A maximum of $5,000 may be awarded and must be used in support of humanitarian efforts as chosen by the recipient. 

Deadline: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at 1:00 p.m.

Western Application Process: The Western Humanitarian Award internal adjudication and selection process is managed by Research Development & Services. 

A complete application will consist of a completed Western Humanitarian Award Application – online form which includes:

  • Brief Information about the Nominator and Nominee
  • Four-page (4-page) document:
    • Description of Project
    • The rationale for the nomination
    • Activities and Impacts 
    • Financial Requests
  • Two-page (2-page) CV summary for the last five years.

Western Contact:
Research Development:

Details and guidelines:

photo credit: monojuk last turn via photopin (license)

Mitacs Globalink

The Mitacs Globalink Research Award provides $6,000 for senior undergraduate and graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows in Canada to conduct 12–24-week research projects at universities overseas.

The  opportunities support travel and research from Canada to universities in: Australia, Brazil, China, EU member countries, (In France, both universities and Inria Research Centres are eligible host institutions), Israel, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Kingdom, United States

Jumpstart your application:

  1. Talk to your faculty supervisor or university international office to identify a professor in one of the eligible destinations who works in your research area
  2. Reach out to the professor(s) about your research and hosting your potential project
  3. Get signatures from your home and host professors and university Office of Research Services, then submit your complete application by the suggested deadline (Mitacs recommends allowing 1–2 weeks to secure university signatures).

Applications are accepted any time. For participants wanting to travel by a certain date, Mitacs recommends the following timelines:

Submit your application in:For travel starting as early as:
JanuaryThe following summer
MayThe following fall
SeptemberThe following winter

Contact for more information or see the Website.

photo credit: Columbus GV Team Sunrise from La Estancia EcoLodge on Isla del Sol via photopin (license)

Internship Opportunity at the Council of Canadian Academies

Are you a graduate student or post-doctoral fellow interested in science policy? This six-month internship offers an opportunity to engage directly in the Council of Canadian Academies‘ (CCA) expert panel assessment process ― from panel meeting organization to research and writing.

The internship is a full-time commitment of six months beginning June 1, 2019 through to November 30, 2019. Applicants must be recent graduates with a graduate or professional degree, or post-doctoral fellows, with a strong interest in science policy. Applications should include a CV, a cover letter, a writing sample, and two letters of reference, and be addressed to Joe Rowsell at

The application deadline is April 5, 2019.

More information about the CCA Internship Program and the application process can be found here.

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Julien Mezey Dissertation Award – Law, Culture and the Humanities

The Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities invites submissions for the Julien Mezey Dissertation Award. This annual prize is awarded to the dissertation that most promises to enrich and advance interdisciplinary scholarship at the intersection of law, culture and the humanities.

The Association seeks the submission of outstanding work from a wide variety of perspectives, including but not limited to law and cultural studies, legal hermeneutics and rhetoric, law and literature, law and psychoanalysis, law and visual studies, legal history, legal theory and jurisprudence. Scholars completing humanities-oriented dissertations in SJD and related programs, as well as those earning PhDs, are encouraged to submit their work. Applicants eligible for the 2019 award must have defended their dissertations successfully between November 1, 2017 and October 31, 2018.

Nominations for the 2019 award must be received on or before
7 December 2018

Each nominee must submit the following:
1) a letter by the nominee detailing the genesis, goal, and contribution of the dissertation;
2) a letter of support from a faculty member familiar with the work;
3) an abstract, outline, and selected chapter of the dissertation;
4) contact information for the nominee.

All materials and any questions should be sent to: Professor Simon Stern at

Award finalists will be notified as soon as possible. Finalists must then submit an electronic version of the entire dissertation. The winner will be determined by early January and invited to the ASLCH annual meeting. ASLCH will pay travel and lodging costs.

 photo credit: Xiaozhuli Fall Colours via photopin (license)

Mitacs – Globalink Program

The Mitacs Globalink Research Award provides $6,000 for senior undergraduate and graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows in Canada to conduct 12–24-week research projects at universities overseas.

The  opportunities support travel and research from Canada to universities in: Australia, Brazil, China, EU member countries, (In France, both universities and Inria Research Centres are eligible host institutions), Israel, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Kingdom, United States

Jumpstart your application:

  1. Talk to your faculty supervisor or university international office to identify a professor in one of the eligible destinations who works in your research area
  2. Reach out to the professor(s) about your research and hosting your potential project
  3. Get signatures from your home and host professors and university Office of Research Services, then submit your complete application by the suggested deadline (Mitacs recommends allowing 1–2 weeks to secure university signatures).

Applications are accepted any time. For participants wanting to travel by a certain date, Mitacs recommends the following timelines:

Submit your application in: For travel starting as early as:
January The following summer
May The following fall
September The following winter

Contact for more information or see the Website.

 photo credit: Dis da fi we Gare du Nord – City Tour – Paris Dec 2017 via photopin (license)