Western Libraries – Services for Research

Western Libraries offers many services for researchers:

Feel free to reach out with questions to rsclib@uwo.ca

Western Libraries – Research Skills Workshops

You’re invited to join Western Libraries for these upcoming Research Skills Workshops.

March 2 (1:30-2:30): Finding and Evaluating Book Reviews (Zoom)
This session looks at the role book reviews play in academic publishing, research, and teaching. Hundreds of thousands of books are published every year, but only a small portion receive critical reviews. Thanks to the Internet, more books are being reviewed beyond magazines and journals. Learn about the importance of book reviews and how they shape what we read.

Session outcomes: 

  • Identify the role book reviews play in academic publishing
  • Incorporate book reviews into your research and teaching
  • Develop strategies for locating and evaluating book reviews

March 3 (10:30-12:00): Literature Search for Systematic/Scoping Reviews (Zoom)
This interactive workshop introduces methods for systematically searching the literature, including identifying key databases and developing a thorough search strategy. Tips and tricks in the major databases will also be demonstrated.

Session outcomes:

  • How to identify and search key research databases
  • How to apply advanced searching techniques
  • How to develop a search strategy for your own research question

To find more upcoming Western Library events and workshops visit the Western Libraries Events page.  If you have questions about workshops, please email rsclib@uwo.ca.

Research Skills Workshops Offered by Western Libraries

You are invited to sign up for Western Libraries’ upcoming Research Skills Workshops. From data collection to publishing, get expert help at all stages of the research cycle with free workshops. 

Literature Searching for Systematic/Scoping Reviews (Feb. 13 10:30AM to 12:00pm on Zoom)

This interactive workshop introduces methods for systematically searching the literature, including identifying key databases and developing a thorough search strategy. Tips and tricks in the major databases will also be demonstrated.

Basic Data Handling in Excel (Feb. 16 1:00-2:30PM on Zoom)

This session will introduce some of the basics of handling data for a research project, including planning a data project, file organization and documentation, and setting up data for analysis in Excel. We’ll also learn some tips for using Excel more easily.

Open Educational Resources Grant & Support Program (Feb. 21 10:30-11:30AM on Zoom)

Western instructors can apply for financial grants as well as in-kind supports to create, adapt, or adopt an open educational resource (OER) for use in one or more courses in 2024-25. Instructors of co-curricular learning opportunities may also apply. Join this session for an overview of the grant program, the application process, and the in-kind supports that will be available to successful applicants. The presentation will be followed by an open Q&A.

Getting Started Analyzing Data in SPSS (Feb. 22 1:00-2:30PM on Zoom)

SPSS is a popular package for analyzing data. This session will demonstrate the basics of using SPSS, including using SPSS for data entry, reading in different types of data, getting summary statistics, creating and modifying variables, creating graphs, and running simple analyses.

Finding and Evaluating Open Education Resources (Feb. 23 1:30-2:30PM on Zoom)

OER are educational materials (like textbooks, streaming media, simulations, and more) that are free of cost and access barriers for learners. They are also editable and adaptable, meaning that they can be customized to suit your course content. Let’s say that, for many reasons, you want to switch up your materials and use OER in an upcoming course. How can you find high-quality open textbooks and other OER that will work for you and your students? That’s what this workshop will cover!

To find more upcoming Western Library events and workshops visit the Western Libraries Events page.  If you have questions about workshops, please email rsclib@uwo.ca.

Western Libraries – Upcoming Research Skills Workshops

You are invited to join the upcoming Research Skills Workshops, hosted by Western Libraries. From data collection to publishing, get expert help at all stages of the research cycle with free workshops. 

Jan. 31 (10:00-11:00): What to Know BEFORE You Start a Systematic/Scoping Review  

This information session will cover the basics of conducting a systematic and scoping review and will identify tools and resources that can support both review processes. Attendees will learn how systematic and scoping reviews are defined and characterized, steps of the systematic and scoping review process, and strategies for managing the complex processes for conducting these reviews

Feb. 2 (1:00-2:30): Sharing and Archiving Data with Borealis 

Western Libraries provides access to Borealis, a publicly accessible, secure Canadian data repository system using Dataverse software for sharing and archiving data. Dataverse allows for data to be released and shared openly or privately with precision at the file level. Learn to create an archive and get a DOI, add, share and restrict files, and create and publish metadata, data, and documents.

Feb. 7 (1:30-2:30): Introduction to Qualitative Analysis with Nvivo 

NVivo is a tool for organizing, managing and analyzing qualitative data. This introductory session will provide an overview of NVivo’s capabilities and demonstrate how to use it to get started on a qualitative research project. Learn about the capabilities of this popular analysis package, how to set up a project and import different kinds of data and start coding.

Feb. 9 (1:30-2:30): Doing Research with Fitness Trackers  

This session explores the links between research, bipedalism, and data privacy. Academics and knowledge keepers walk to learn about our world. Digital technologies tend to purge movement from the research process as much as they allow us to track our every step. Learn how to incorporate walking into your research agenda and keep your fitness data safe.

To find more upcoming Western Library events and workshops visit the Western Libraries Events page.  If you have questions about workshops, please email rsclib@uwo.ca.

Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans – TCPS 2 (2022) Released

The Secretariat on Responsible Conduct of Research has announced the publication of the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans – TCPS 2 (2022). TCPS 2 (2022) replaces TCPS 2 (2018) as the official human research ethics policy of Canada’s research funding agencies (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC).

TCPS 2 (2022) includes guidance on the following research ethics themes (see also Highlights of changes):

  • Broad consent for the storage of data and human biological materials for future unspecified research (Chapters 3 and 12);
  • Streamlining multi-jurisdictional research ethics review of minimal risk research (Chapter 8)

Copies of TCPS 2 (2022) may be printed or downloaded from the Panel on Research Ethics’ website.

Office of Human Research Ethics – WREM System Update – Applicant Track Changes

A recent Western Research Ethics Management (WREM) system update allows research teams to track their changes within submitted applications. For more information, please see this document on the Office of Human Research Ethics WREM page as well as within the HELP feature on the WREM platform.

If you have any questions, contact wrem@uwo.ca.

Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) – Awards and Fellowships

The CFUW  provides funds for a range of post graduate awards and fellowships to women.

Amount: Varies by award

Deadline: January 18, 2023

Eligibility: Women; Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident in Canada

List of Awards…

SSHRC – Storytellers Challenge

SSHRC’s Storytellers Challenge asks postsecondary students to show Canadians, in up to three minutes or 300 words, how social sciences and humanities research is affecting our lives, our world and our future for the better.

Description: Create a video or audio clip of up to three minutes or a text or infographic of up to 300 words of original work featuring SSHRC-funded research carried out at the institution at which you are enrolled at the time of submission. Prizes will be awarded to 25 finalists.

Eligibility: Must a Canadian resident, be 19 years of age and must be enrolled at a Canadian postsecondary institution

Deadline: Monday, January 30, 2023, 11:59 p.m. (eastern)

More information…

Indigenous Research Symposium at Western

SAGE, Western’s Indigenous Graduate Student Support Network, is hosting a research symposium to showcase Indigenous brilliance at Western and in the local community. Biidaaskonenjigewag means “they come with a light” in the Anishinaabe language and highlights the diverse gifts that knowledge keepers and scholars contribute to their communities. Join for the day to celebrate and honour Indigenous artists, language speakers, and researchers.

Wednesday, November 23 rd, 2022
9:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.

To register and for more information…

Data Archiving Workshop Offered by Western Libraries

Western Libraries is offering:

Introductory Workshop on Data Archiving

Thursday, November 10, 2022
1:00 – 2:00 pm
via Zoom

Data archiving and sharing is increasingly required by many funders and journals. Western Libraries provides access to Borealis, a publicly accessible, secure Canadian data repository system using Dataverse software for sharing and archiving data. Dataverse allows for data to be released and shared openly or privately with precision at the file level.

Session outcomes:

  • Learn to create an archive and get a DOI
  • Add, share and restrict files
  • Create and publish metadata, data and documents

Register here: http://www.events.westernu.ca/events/libraries/2022-11/sharing-and-archiving-data-borealis.html