SSHRC-CIGI Post-Doctoral Fellowship Competition

The CIGI International Law Research Program announces the 2019 SSHRC-CIGI post-doctoral fellowship. This funding opportunity is open to citizens or permanent residents of Canada. Permanent resident status must be obtained, at the latest, by the application deadline. Candidates must apply through the SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships competition website.

It is offered as a joint initiative administered collaboratively by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and the International Law Research Program (ILRP) of the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI).

Deadline: September 20, 2019

ValueUp to $80,500 per year plus up to $18,00 in research allowance
Duration    Between 12 to 24 months

Post-doctoral fellowships for research in one or more of the ILRP areas of focus:

  • Intellectual property law
  • Economic law
  • Environmental law
  • Indigenous law

The ILRP invites doctoral students who are completing their SJD/PhD in Law and those who have completed such a degree in the last two years to apply for these post-doctoral fellowships.

More info at:

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SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships

SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships support the most promising Canadian new scholars in the social sciences and humanities, and assist them in establishing a research base at an important time in their research careers.

The purpose of these fellowships is to provide stipendiary support to recent PhD graduates who are:

  • undertaking original research;
  • publishing research findings;
  • developing and expanding personal research networks;
  • broadening their teaching experience;
  • preparing for research-intensive careers within and beyond academia; and
  • preparing to become competitive in national research grant competitions.

Fellowships will normally be awarded to candidates affiliated with a university other than the one that awarded the PhD. SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship awards are tenable at Canadian or foreign universities and research institutions.

Amount: $45,000 per year for up to 2 years

Deadline: September 18, 2019

More information and link to applications….

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Postdoctoral Researcher Position in Music Information Retrieval

The Single Interface for Music Score Searching and Analysis (SIMSSA) project at McGill University is hiring a new Postdoctoral Researcher in Music Information Retrieval to begin July 1 or as soon as possible. SIMSSA is a seven-year research partnership grant funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, headed by Ichiro Fujinaga, Principal Investigator and Julie Cumming, Co-investigator. The goal of this project is to make digital images of musical notation searchable and analyzable. Please see for more details on how to apply.

photo credit: couscouschocolat Détail sur une maison à colombage à deux pas de la Place du Vieux Marché représentant une clef via photopin (license)

2019 International Policy Ideas Challenge

The 2019 International Policy Ideas Challenge organized by Global Affairs Canada in partnership with the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) closes on March 29, 2019.

This is a great opportunity to promote your work (graduate students and postdoctoral fellows) and your contributions to policy development. 

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Post-Doc Fellowship – Migration and Humanities – Cambridge, MA

The Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard invites applications for one-year (2019-2020) postdoctoral fellowships in connection with the Center’s Andrew W. Mellon Foundation seminar on the topic of migration and the humanities.

More information and the online application are available on the website.

Applications are due by January 2, 2019.

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Contribute to Science Policy in Canada

The Canadian Science Policy Fellowship is now accepting applications from prospective fellows interested in undertaking a 12-month policy position within a Canadian government host office.

Eligible applicants must be:

  • Faculty members at Canadian universities or PhD graduates
  • Canadian citizens or permanent residents (Citizenship requirements may differ for individual host offices; this will be accommodated in the fellow and host matching process)
  • Able to negotiate a leave of absence from their university or employer, as applicable

The 2019 cohort of fellowships will begin in September 2019. Approved fellows receive remuneration from their host offices and professional development training and networking events facilitated by Mitacs.

Applications will be accepted until February 3, 2019, at 11:59 p.m. PT. For more information, please visit the Canadian Science Policy Fellowship or contact

 photo credit: Onasill ~ Bill Badzo – 56 Million Views – Thank Yo Kleinburg Onatrio- Canada – Home Made Birdhouse- Feeders – HDR via photopin (license)

Mitacs Elevate (Postdoctoral)

Mitacs Elevate provides two years of postdoc funding valued at $60,000/year plus extensive customized professional development training ($7,500/year non-cash value).


  • Manage a long-term collaborative research project with a company or not-for-profit
  • Develop business-ready skills in leadership, financial literacy, management and negotiation, project management, problem solving and much more
  • Key deadline: January 23, 2019 – Intent to Apply and Conflict of Interest declaration deadline

For questions or more information, please contact Mitacs at

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Mitacs – Globalink Program

The Mitacs Globalink Research Award provides $6,000 for senior undergraduate and graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows in Canada to conduct 12–24-week research projects at universities overseas.

The  opportunities support travel and research from Canada to universities in: Australia, Brazil, China, EU member countries, (In France, both universities and Inria Research Centres are eligible host institutions), Israel, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Kingdom, United States

Jumpstart your application:

  1. Talk to your faculty supervisor or university international office to identify a professor in one of the eligible destinations who works in your research area
  2. Reach out to the professor(s) about your research and hosting your potential project
  3. Get signatures from your home and host professors and university Office of Research Services, then submit your complete application by the suggested deadline (Mitacs recommends allowing 1–2 weeks to secure university signatures).

Applications are accepted any time. For participants wanting to travel by a certain date, Mitacs recommends the following timelines:

Submit your application in: For travel starting as early as:
January The following summer
May The following fall
September The following winter

Contact for more information or see the Website.

 photo credit: Dis da fi we Gare du Nord – City Tour – Paris Dec 2017 via photopin (license)

Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) Postdoc

The CIGI International Law Research Program is pleased to announce the 2018 SSHRC-CIGI post-doctoral fellowship. This funding opportunity is open to citizens or permanent residents of Canada. Permanent resident status must be obtained, at the latest, by the application deadline. Candidates must apply through the SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships competition website.

It is offered as a joint initiative administered collaboratively by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and the International Law Research Program (ILRP) of the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI).

Selected recipients (fellows) may be funded jointly by SSHRC and CIGI’s ILRP or solely by the latter in accordance with the memorandum of understanding between SSHRC and CIGI’s ILRP. Based on the source(s) of funding, governing regulations and policies may vary.

Value Up to $80,500 per year plus up to $18,00 in research allowance
Duration     Between 12 to 24 months

Post-doctoral fellowships for research in one or more of the ILRP areas of focus:

  • Intellectual property law
  • Economic law
  • Environmental law
  • Indigenous law

The ILRP invites doctoral students who are completing their SJD/PhD in Law and those who have completed such a degree in the last two years to apply for these post-doctoral fellowships. The ILRP will be engaging up to four post-doctoral fellows in 2018.

More info at:

 photo credit: Thank you, my friends, Adam! Lone Beauty via photopin (license)

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Media Law and Policy at Oxford

There is an  postdoc job opportunity at the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy (PCMLP) for a 3 year post-doc.  This is an open fellowship so come with good ideas and research projects. And despite the title of the fellowship you don’t have to be a lawyer. Must be within 4 years of having completed a PhD. Deadline is July 25th.

Grade 7: £31,604 – £38,833 p.a.

The Fellow will undertake advanced research in the field of media law and policy, present their findings at conferences and workshops, and publish their research. The postholder will be permitted to undertake a small amount of lecturing and/or tutorial teaching, which may not exceed three hours per week.

The postholder will be a part of the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy (PCMLP) and expected to contribute to its activities. The Head of the PCMLP is Dr Nicole Stremlau. Further information about the programme can be found on the PCMLP website.

Applicants must hold, or be close to completing a PhD/DPhil in Law, or a related discipline, with reference to media/socio-legal issues (candidates who already hold a doctorate will only be eligible if the doctorate was awarded within four years of the closing date for this position. Exceptions to this requirement will only be made for candidates who can demonstrate that they are still at an early stage in their academic career by reason of having taken a career break (e.g. for maternity leave, parental leave, illness or other personal circumstances); engage in high quality research; have the ability to manage their own academic research and associated activities; and play a full role in the intellectual life of PCMLP, the CSLS, and the Faculty of Law.

The Fellowship is for a fixed-term of 3 years, to commence as soon as possible.

The postholder will be based at The Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Manor Road Building, Manor Road and will be eligible to apply to the Faculty’s Research Support Fund.

You will be required to upload a CV and supporting statement as part of your online application.

The closing date for applications is 12.00 midday on Wednesday 25 July 2018. Interviews will be held on Tuesday 21 August 2018.

 photo credit: byronv2 old media news of the world via photopin (license)